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Stephen Simmons

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Everything posted by Stephen Simmons

  1. Well I dragged them into a midi track, but dropping them below the tracks altogether did the trick. Now in my midi track I have keystation 88 as an input and whatever the soft synth is at the output, correct? Thanks to everyone! WSS
  2. Thank you sir! Actually of my two test project only one had an audio track of any kind an acoustic guitar that I had inserted two audio effects on the other I dragged the soft synth into the midi track. I just created the third one and dragged the soft synths into the blank space below the tracks which gives a completely different dialogue and voila it plays clean as a whistle no delay at all. WSS
  3. Hi there. Thank you and that's the project for today. As I mentioned in the "no sound from my midi device" I called Sweetwater who sold me the Apollo and the keystation 88 and their guy walk me through a bunch of things to get the sounds on and the keystation to show up without giving me the memory error message. As it turned out, hopefully, the problem was the drivers even though device manager said the drivers were up-to-date 2019 the Sweetwater Tech said let's try the drivers from the M-Audio site because the ones in there are just generic Windows drivers. They appear to work so far. However the lag is still probably 500 milliseconds. We went through the audio settings for the Apollo twin with no luck, it's supposed to be set perfectly for no latency, or very little. Then we opened up a program which I've never tried call sfx that came with band in the Box a bunch of years ago and it's a soft synth of some kind. It responds immediately. One of the tests he did when I press the key it responded immediately on the screen but not in Cakewalk. When I get home I will try and stalling soft sense other than just dragging them into the track which is what I have done so far. I think that's what you mean correct? I'm wondering if there are different settings for input different than settings for mixing? And thank you! WSS
  4. Hi Bob! Just this minute I made some progress by downloading the drivers from M-Audio. The driver settings in device manager said that the drivers were up-to-date but apparently those are generic Windows generated drivers have the ones from M-Audio are working. Of course it was operating just a few days ago before it stopped and gave me that silly memory morning. But the wag is still there and I'm thinking that's probably a problem within Cakewalk because the sfx on my desktop which I have never used before opens up and plays its instruments with absolutely no lag. Tech support from Sweetwater you sold me the keystation and the Apollo twin car looking into it. WSS
  5. And the universal audio Apollo twin has the buffers set really really low so they shouldn't be any latency whatsoever. Or at least not very much. And it's ASIO. WSS
  6. Actually right now the weirdest thing is in preferences when I click input on midi devices I get that low memory warning and it won't load the device. I've also unchecked the power management boxes for the USB 3 root devices. WSS
  7. I created some midi tracks and dragged the soft synth right into it. I'm going down now and trying to insert them as fx soft serve. Thank you WSS
  8. So I unplugged the keystation turned off the computer. Went into device manager show hidden. Found the keystation an uninstalled. Shut down the computer. Restarted and it showed no keystation. Turn it off again plugged in the keystation and started up. It has apparently reinstalled, opened up the project went to preferences and got the same lack of memory failure report WSS
  9. I'm not tracking with plug-ins. The audio goes right through the universal audio Apollo twin but not the MIDI. WSS
  10. Very kind of you Bob, thank you. I did see the device in device manager and clicked on show hidden items but I only saw one. I don't think the USB plug has ever been moved but maybe a long long time ago which should have manifested itself before? I wonder if I should just go in and remove the keystation all together and reinstall? WSS
  11. Hi guys. This is getting weirder and weirder. Now all of a sudden after I change the TTS seq the USB key station is not working again. I can't wait to preferences I checked the boxes on midi devices. I check the input hit apply and I get a message saying midi device failure USB keystation 88 ES. The message says the following MIDI Port could not be enabled the ports or Main unchecked in MIDI devices preferences. That it says device name USB keystation 88 and reason as reported by Windows there is not enough memory available. (I also have a Behringer X touch but I haven't even turned it on for tracking.) Does this make sense gentleman? Thank you for your time and patience. ( it was actually working before albeit with the latency between the key hit in the sound now it won't even load up) WSS PS would it have anything to do with when I turn on the key station before I turn on the computer or after? I ask because if I turn on or off the Behringer while the computer is running it screws things up. ■ didn't make any difference same error■ Edit went to device manager show hidden devices found the USB key station check the drivers it is working properly and the drivers are supposedly up-to-date.
  12. My eyesight isn't the best even when I'm sober so what would be the best and easiest to read theme in anybody's opinion? ? WSS
  13. Okay. I have a reasonably new interface a universal audio Apollo twin USB. Really low latency audio tracking even with plugins on the insert. Had a substantial lag but I clicked on whatever you call that little sound button and it was fine. Problem is either way I click that button on a midi track I get that same lag, seems like almost 500 milliseconds or so. There must be something obvious I have set incorrectly. In my midi test I have an audio track Cakewalk strings Dimension Pro and the Amber piano module Anyone have an idea? Thank you. WSS
  14. In Windows 10 I just want to drive C program files Cakewalk user and core scroll down and found that file and changed manually. When you went back into preferences and selected those things did you make sure to hit apply? WSS
  15. Well I just did a cakewalk update and it reverted to the old file name which I went back and changed again then reset the device. And it works again. WSS
  16. Looks like I have to go into core and change the TTSSEQ every time CW by BL updates itself. Okay. WSS
  17. Yes. Actually I was going to download the free player because I really fell in love with the piano. Noire. As little as I use synthesizers and MIDI I hesitated to drop the six hundred bucks. I see there are some free aftermarket libraries that will work but hard to believe they be any better than I have in dimension Pro? What do you guys think? WSS
  18. Thank you. So I would be best off to grab one of the versions of Komplete for the library of sounds. And I would probably want to install them on a separate, possibly an outboard SSD drive? WSS
  19. So I'm pretty unfamiliar with synths and samplers. Oh I have Cakewalk Studio instruments and Rapture and session drummer and dimension Pro and that stuff but I'm wondering about Native Instruments and kontakt. Is this one or both similar to Dimension Pro? Meaning a program that has lots of sounds built in? And used the same way? I've heard some demos of some sounds that are incredible particularly the piano Noir WSS
  20. Westside Steve Simmons

    Keep drinking, the show doesn't get any better.

  21. Just changed it. Restarting computer. Opening Cakewalk by bandlab. Opening midi test project. Input no longer shows USB key station. Off to preferences MIDI. Check the boxes for USB keystation move to top. Hit apply.. close. Back to project. Input now USB keystation 88 is visible I selected it and select it Omni.. Drum roll..... And it works! Thanks again guys. Westside Steve
  22. Scook I will try that today. Bob if the rename doesn't help I will try going in and seeing where there might be multiple instances of the key station. Maybe just delete them both and reinstall it. Doesn't seem like I've changed USB ports in a long long time though. You are running Windows 10 right? Thank you gentlemen. WSS
  23. Hey Scook. Change it to what? I was looking for the options pull down but I don't see it. In preferences I checked everything that said USB key station. Thanks WSS
  24. No idea if I'm missing a step or what. I've been using the program for 30+ years. I just swap some things around and open up a test project added 3 virtual instruments. Cakewalk SI strings Dimension Pro and the Amber piano module. Midi preference is set for the keystation 88 USB the input is keystation 88 USB Omni. Record button is on the little sound button beside that is on. I tap the keys with the cursor and I hear the piano I don't hear or see anything when I press the keys on the key station. Is this just Alzheimer's? Thanks guys. WSS
  25. I think I've got it. Sorry. WSS
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