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Chris Barrie

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Everything posted by Chris Barrie

  1. Hi Guys, Ive just installed cakewalk and been getting to grips with it. Bit of a noob here so any advice is most welcome. I just have a few questions that I wonder if anyone can help with. Im recording some basic tracks, just guitar and vocals. I have an M-Audio Fast track Pro as my audio interface. This is setup in cakewalk and both my input and output drivers are set to the fast track pro. I then have the outputs from my audio interface wired to an amp/speakers. To record the guitar, I set the input as Ln1 for the track. This is the left input on the fasttrack, so my guitar is connected here with a jack lead. Did the same for the vocals on track 2, into the same input on the fastrack. It sounds OK, but I cant pan either of the tracks? The pan knob has no effect, and neither just adjusting the balance even in Windows sound manager as a test? In additon, the output when I listen via hedaphones is really quiet. I have the output knob on the fasttrack turned up, and it sounds loud and clear when I listen to other stuff via the headphones in any other program, but not when I'm listening back in cakewalk. Feel like Im missing something here? I have attached screenshots of my setup. If any one can offer any advice its much appreicated. Thanks! Chris
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