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Brian D'Oliveira

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Everything posted by Brian D'Oliveira

  1. @Kirean yeah it’s not easy to develop complex instruments that need all kinds of data, but I do very much understand and that is exactly why we built Mndala 2 to be the way it is. It’s just one app/engine that runs all, self downloads new instruments and samples and loads them, and does not put a bunch of weird DRM hidden files in your computer. And glad you dig our sounds! :)
  2. @locrian yesterday the server was nearly melted down by the massive amount of downloads for Mirage, but any issues should be good, and if not please do reach out to support and we will make sure to get you sorted out :)
  3. @Zolton Sorry to hear that you are having issues and that you had not heard from the team within a reasonable amount of time! Though not an excuse the team has been beyond crunched with the massive influx of new users and still getting the updates out as promised. I have also revamped our support system massively so now its way more efficient than the system we had running where we could not even live chat ( yes its 2022! ) . So please feel free to send a chat via the widget on our site mentioning my name and I will be more than happy to personally help you with whatever help or questions you may have.
  4. @abacab this is definitely in our roadmap ( with extensive additional controls ). We would have loved to roll it out already but we had to focus on core features in order to be able to ship within a reasonable time frame
  5. @MusicMan We also noticed the wrong info being listed and have informed them accordingly, here is its page with the accurate info for your reference https://www.mntra.io/product/udw-le/ . UDW-LE is a teaser to the newly coming UDW-CE ( Limited Collectors edition coming this next week ) and the updated 1.0 - 2.0 official UDW versions. as you have pointed out @abacab there are only 6 sample maps within LE and about the same number of presets as the 1.0 original version, which for the 'price tag' is still of great value and useful especially if you take it further sound designing with the new available features of MNDALA 2.0. The paid products will obviously have more sample maps and presets given their pricing, and I can confidently say that whomever does already own the 1.0 version will be very happy once the new 2.0 official version is released ( I am guilty of being obsessed with wanting to make this new version the defacto unparalleled Death Whistle instrument ever ? ) .
  6. @Reid Rosefelt I always prefer to do support via emails so that it does not bog up the discussion, but try first opening it without unify and under 'settings' scale it down ( maybe 50% )and then open it again. That might just do the trick
  7. @Anxiousmofo MPE has been definitely been in our minds and though I wanted to roll this out from the start with 2.0 we had to focus on making sure the core features were rock solid stable, but this will definitely come some time in the future.
  8. @Zolton Thank you for the good vibes! The team has been working extremely hard and if there is anything whatsoever we are around and happy to help and figure out whatever might come up
  9. @Reid Rosefelt we tried looking into building what we envisioned with Kontakt and its basically impossible, so we instead chose the (extremely hard ) route and build MNDALA from scratch. The features we have now built with the newly released 2.0 are just the tip of the iceberg of many exciting developments in our development roadmap that will now be possible and that we can't wait to start sharing in the near future. As for your Cubase trouble, I just literally delivered two major series using both Cubase and Nuendo with extensive MNDALA 2.0 instruments within, and it worked just fine, so please do feel free to reach out via our support and mention me and I will personally go over this to see what could be the issue.
  10. @Zolton Brian here from MNTRA, we had a temporary hiccup with our server service last night as you tried to do this which was resolved steadfastly and you should have received an updated order and the ability to download. As for your other issues, are you using MNDALA 2.0.5 ? If not I highly suggest that you install, and it should be a simple matter of de-installing Rasa and Huracan and then re-download them. And just sharing some insights, hosting your own hosting services that all work to allow for dead simple downloads and installs within a plugin is definitely not for the faint of heart, especially for such a small team as ours, but the unpredictable surprises have been dealt with and other than this small hiccup the feature has been working very smoothly with this latest update. And yes the official version full version of UDW is still V1, we are in the midst of updating and we are very excited of the final version. I have seen complaints and frustration as to our release schedule and though I can understand, the reality is that the updates mean us building almost everything from scratch all over again and we simply did not want to rush the process and just come out with a half fast update that does not take advantage of the new 2.0 features to the fullest, we did not announce the final release date so as not to create a deadline that might cause compromises, but if all goes well they will all be ready before Black Friday
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