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Everything posted by Conteloto

  1. Just find another (I think CbB is the best one, I use it) similar free tool to continue making music.
  2. I am talking about the cabel an apple products in general, not about you post, just that.
  3. that it is superior from an engineering, design?????? We are talking a bout a cable and we are talking about that cable has a cost x10 Sinserially, if any manufacturer tried to sell me a USB cable for 130 I would consider it a scammer, why doesn't the same happen if that "salesman" has an apple in their logo?
  4. I mix on headphones just because the reason you said I think almost the only place where people still listen to music on speakers is in cars.
  5. The only thing they need to be a ·DAW· is vsti support.
  6. Songtradr is used to distribute music to digital platforms too, Spotify, AppleMusic ...
  7. I own that license, I know you do not own the program code, but before, you bought a program and had the right to use it "forever", if you bought, for example, photoshop 5, you can continue using it today without paying anything to adobe, which does not happen with the new "licenses" that you can use them as long as you pay it every month, That is, you have a license for rent, you pay every month for the same. They hide behind updates to correct errors, even worse, they recognize that they have sold you (rented) something that has not passed a quality control before putting it up for sale. But hey, as long as there are "customers" who accept it, well all good
  8. You are wrong, It is my decision and that of other users to pay for software, we are the client, not fans of a program If someone wants to have a rented program at the price of one purchased, well, nothing to object, If I buy a car I want it to be mine, not to pay every month over and over again the same car.
  9. For example that if I pay for a software I want to own that software, not be at the expense of what the creator wants
  10. The "SUBSCRIBE way", many software tools work taht way today, can be translated as "You buy a software but that software never is going to be yours"
  11. Divide the section you want to copy, select the piece of track, Edit-->Copy , select the destination track, click in the timeline you want to paste and Edit-->Paste Sometimes crtl+V and ctrl+P dont't work well
  12. I read no more updates for free version, but I also read that there'll no free version About Audacity, I know it, it has midi support ( very limited), anyway, I know we cannot compare with CbB, but you can make your music with it.
  13. Audacity is a DAW, I know it is not like CbB, that´s because I use CbB, but it is a DAW Sorry about Magix, this one https://www.magix.com/es/musica/music-maker/ Music maker free edition, some limitations, but you can make music without a problem. Another one :https://www.tracktion.com/products/waveform-free Another one : https://lmms.io/ ... Not to mention combining multiple applications Yes, I know,some of them lack some feature, they have some limitation, but what I mean is that if you are looking to create music with a free DAW, there are many options to choose from, that's why I say that destroying CbB is a big mistake, because a large part of its users use it, we use it, because it is incredible but also because it is free
  14. I am not talking about "lite" versions, for example Magix , this one https://www.magix.com/us/music-editing/free-download/independence-free-sampler-software/ I think CbB is better for me, but you can do the same with this one. Audacity, a different league I Know, has added vst support, more work, different way, but you can creat music with it. And you can do a search in google, sure there are more of them.
  15. Big error from bandlab, CbB is a great free software, but there are several app out there that can do the same work and they will be free. Half a hour and you have them to start working. I understand there is no more updates, but what I read is that you can continue using the last version...
  16. Just open the midi track and add the instrument track to the project, then chop and drag the midi (in the midi track) to the instrument track.
  17. I have several usb mics, they all works right in other applications, for example audacity... But Cakewalk say it cannot use it because "driver problems" or because "the mic is being used for another app" Do you have a similar problem? Any way yo fix it? thanks.
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