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Mark Lau

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  1. I bought the Rhodes Electric S but did not find much use for it in my setup. Lots of tweakability but was still hard for me to gel with the overall sound. I eventually settled on the Keyscape Rhodes as a default starting point
  2. If it makes you feel any better, the flip side is: I bought it then but haven’t been able to use it – so kinda regret it. I originally bought it because it has a different sonic pallet to any other synths that I have, but in use I haven’t actually liked it when I tried it in any productions. The patch changing is super slow so is a PITA to audition multiple presets, and recently it somehow lost all presets and I had to reinstall. This could be my imagination but now that F.’em is also on sale, checking out the demo, I think I hear a similar plastic-y, kinda unrefined sound there too (especially when compared to FM8 – which has an almost too refined sound at times) – so I’ve been reluctant to bite on that deal
  3. Found this at my door – took less than one day to arrive ? A huge box for one tiny card with a serial. I’m now up and running with Pigments 4
  4. I can’t believe enegyXT is still around. It was a ground breaking DAW/plugin when it first came out. Loved the concept. The developer had so many great ideas for it, but was perhaps not the best at following through and finishing his ideas or making them stable or user friendly. Maybe it's better now
  5. Agreed with the above thoughts, but I did find there is an option checkbox down the bottom that prevents the browser from closing each time you choose a preset. Sound-wise I feel it adds a slightly different (clean-ish?) flavor from other synths in my plugin stable though
  6. I like XLA-3 okay for when I want a "grabby" character compressor – more for tone and vibe. Vocal Enhancer and Character are kinda second tier okay – though I reach for VE often when I'm trying to get a scratch vocal sent out quickly – it's easy for them both to sound yuk and mid-range-y – but tweaked properly helps give the vocals presence and cut in a track quickly
  7. I think I might be the tightest wad around here. I got the upgrade price, then applied my edu discount, paid $1.34, then still checked out the instrument for ages – making sure I got my money’s worth – which I thought I did – all $1.34 of it. Yeah, the Baritone Guitar is not bad – not sampled particularly deeply, but that’s probably not the point of a library like this. If you are looking to get just a favor of a BG in the context of a track, this might do.
  8. I bought this new version not realizing it was an upgrade. The audio material sounds very similar to me. The new four part engine is easier to use to combine sounds with. I don’t particularly like the chromatically sampled long notes at pitch, but when stretched down in pitch and combined with some of the other sounds, it makes for some pretty interesting sounding patches – which is what I think the Iron Packs are best at. I don’t think I’ll ever use any of the vocal phrases as they sound pretty not good to me, but some of the Custom FX presets are kinda awesome. EDIT: I just found that there is a scripted legato/portamento function hidden away in the GUI which brings more functionality than initially meets the eye. To me, Soundiron are kinda like the opposite of 8DIO – underpromises but overdelivers.
  9. I picked this up and it’s probably one of my favorite (and cheapest) purchases of this season. The different layers add quite a bit too. I now need to write some more minimal tracks so I can use it
  10. Yeah, it's an older style GUI and a comparatively basic VA – but just really nice sounding for certain things – which helps you get to certain sounds faster than a kitchen sink type synth. May not add much to what you already have though
  11. Hmmm… maybe my second choice for plucks would be Avenger – but that’s probably more because it’s a really good all-rounder rather than specifically good for plucks – which it also is. Each sale, I look at Reveal Sound site to check out presets but then get bewildered by the choice. Any more recommendations like the above would be super helpful. For more ambient music for example, Freak Music has some pretty nice sounding presets with midi examples
  12. There is just something lovely about the sound of this synth. Whenever I need a pluck sound, this is the first synth I turn to. That’s a good price too.
  13. One of the best plugs I have if a need grabby, punchy, aggressive, non-subtle, colored compression. UI is a little flaky though (doesn’t remember zoom size), and seems to be more flaky on M1 mac – to the point where I’m looking for other options to get the same result as I’m starting to doubt that these issues will get fixed
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