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Everything posted by DaveT2

  1. DaveT2

    String Music

    I started this song several years ago when I found the Cheeze Machine synth. I only got so far as the intro and dropped. After I got Sonar and then Cakewalk, I decided to finish it. I think it is fun, nothing extreme. The Bass line is an arppegiator (sp?). This is a good one for headphones because I also played with Spatial placement.
  2. DaveT2


    Thanks again for all of your comments. Bajan Blue, if you have the time, is there a particular part of the mix that you feel needs tweaking?
  3. DaveT2

    Mourning Lilly

    bjornpdx and Larry T. , thanks for your comments. It is a dirge but if I did it again I would try to be a bit faster. I timed it to the piano echos that start it that seemed to be a good pace. thanks for listening.
  4. I like the mix, and since it is a cover, I don't expect it to sound the same. But one thing that is good about the original is the laid back pace. Your version is a bit manic for me.
  5. DaveT2

    Angry song

    Thanks for your responses and concerns about my hand. I am anticipating some more surgery to try to gain some use of 3 of my fingers. If all else fails, I will need to buy a drum set. I played drums long before guitar. I do agree, the piano part is a bit off, but honestly it was about the best I could do. I was never good at keyboards. I had not thought about extending the bass, but now the hand is a bit better, I may revisit the song and try to smooth out some parts of it. Actually I didn't realize how intense it was while recording. Only that I was frustrated. Thanks for listening.
  6. DaveT2


    Thanks for your responses. I tend to present a bit of attention deficit disorder in my songs. I don't like to stay on one page. thanks for listening.
  7. DaveT2

    Kangaroo Muse

    I actually recorded this song several years ago before I used Cakewalk. I hope that is okay. A little bouncy beat and some wah-wah guitar. Enjoy!
  8. DaveT2

    Angry song

    A few months ago I ran my left hand into the table saw. Luckily, I didn't lose any fingers, but I have limited use of 3 of them. As a result, I can't play guitar yet (not that I was that great to start with) so I took my frustrations out on my keyboard and created this diddy. You will feel the anger, and it will not suit most people's taste, but the anger shows. I am not a keyboard player, I just poke at it.
  9. DaveT2

    Mourning Lilly

    @DeeringAmps I listened with new ears and heard what I think you noticed about the delays. I nudged them forward a bit. Since I don't have a Pro Account at Soundcloud I had to upload a new version. Thanks for listening.
  10. DaveT2

    Mourning Lilly

    DeeringAmps, thanks for the comments. I will look at nudging the slow attack a bit. That guitar is my 1963 Gibson LP Jr. (sg body but Les Paul name). It has been a great guitar. I recorded Kangaroo Muse a long time ago actually on different software and used the soundcard drum synth so it is very dated. Thanks again for listening, i appreciate the input.
  11. DaveT2


    Since my first post was a sad song, I wanted my second to be a bit more upbeat. i didn't have a good idea for a video so I just shot the Cakewalk Screen. I recorded this song last year. A few months ago I injured my hand so am not able to play guitar right now. I hope you enjoy!
  12. DaveT2

    Mourning Lilly

    This is my first post of one of my songs here. I created this after the death of my dog Lilly last month. I have several other songs, all that were either created or remixed using Cakewalk and Sonar.
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