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Posts posted by AndyB01

  1. Gary

    I've been taking a break from posting on these forums recently (but dipping in occasionally),  a song from you was always going to tempt me back.

    I was always impressed with Roger's work (beautifully understated). This is fabulous, and a first class tribute.

    Well done.


    • Thanks 1
  2. Guitar sounds just a little forward in the mix to me and I'm picking up some ever so slight distortion on the bass strings (but that could be these earbuds instead of my usual over ear headphones).

    Nice work with lyrics on this, as well as your usual song craft.


    • Like 1
  3. Another vote for bricks and mortar here, never done it any other way. I've bought my last three guitars from the same store (it's a 60-mile round trip for me), the buying experience and after sales is second to none - I would simply never go anywhere else.

    A mate a mine is an avid guitar collector and buys almost all of his guitars online and on eBay, he's rarely had a problem but he's on first name terms with his local guitar tech. ?


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  4. 27 minutes ago, Rikkie said:

    Hi ? Andy, thanks, glad you like it. This is my Lag  acoustic/electric plugged into a zoom ac2 di’d.  As far as anything is really original, this is my attempt at it 


    In that case, extra kudos to you.

    I don't suppose you'd be up for sharing the dots or tab - I wouldn't mind a go at it - sounds like a challenge.

    Great work


  5. Opening reminds me slightly of Fool's Overture by Supertramp.

    There's a lot to enjoy here - all 12:43 of it ? - loved the vocals and harmonies as well as the guitar work. Must have been a lot of work - well done.


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  6. On 7/20/2023 at 12:36 AM, El Diablo said:

    There's people still using windows 7 and XP that I know of.  Even if support ends for those systems doesn't make them useless.

    If your afraid to use the internet after support ends, get yourself a Raspberry PI zero, set it up as a internet firewall and put it between your old computer and the internet for protection.

    It doesn't make them useless but it does increase online risk. I don't recall saying I was 'afraid to use the Internet'.

    I've worked in cybersec for 25 years, so I know my way around PCs, networks, firewalls and patching risks, thanks. I can make my own judgement calls on whether I want to continue using an unsupported OS.

    Cheers all the same.


  7. I think I'm done with plugins for a while. I need to replace my ageing laptop when Win 10 goes out of support but I'm milking every last ounce out of it before I do.

    I've been looking at potential suppliers of a replacement and they seem extortionate for a dedicated music PC, so not sure where I'll source one yet.

    Meanwhile I'd better hope that contract extension comes through... ?


  8. Jesse only you could have written and performed that - and carried it off quite so successfully - well done. As Tom says: funky, disturbing and very likeable for sure. ?


    • Thanks 1
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