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Posts posted by AndyB01

  1. Nice artwork. Has kind of a U2 feel, I guess I'd have liked a little more variation and maybe the drums need a little more weight?

    Definitely worth revisiting in my view.


  2. This is a great track - hooked me from the very first chord - you did a stellar job on this.

    Quit 'monkeying around' with it and put it on the done pile.

    Thumbs up  for the lyrics too - I do like a well-crafted lyric. 

    Great stuff. 👍


  3. Here's a remix of a song I first posted on the old legacy forums around eight years ago - some of those who have been around that long may remember it. It's had a lift in key from D to F Major, and has been completely re-recorded and remastered - but apart from that - is largely unchanged from its original form.

    Those of you who use EzKeys might recognise the piano track, as it's one of the stock EzKeys tracks in one of the MIDI packs (I forget which one) - so I take no credit for the musical composition, apart from combining the various song parts. I originally wrote the lyrics for this song back in 2015 (inspired by a news story about single mothers and their drinking habits as I recall) and I could never quite land a melody or accompaniment to match - despite several attempts. When I finally got Ezkeys at around that time, I found this track and it seemed like the perfect match so I decided to use it - pretty much as it was.

    It really does need a female vocalist to do it justice (well, any vocalist rather than me tbf) but, as I don't have access to one, you'll have to make do with my dulcet (lol) tones.

    I feel I may have over-cooked the top end on this when mastering (it sounds that way on my headphones) but I'm open to anyone who thinks they can do better job of it (I present a pretty low bar when it comes to mastering).

    Anyway - here it is - Wine o'Clock


    • Like 3
  4. You did this on a Soundblaster card? 😳

    I had one of those back in the day so I am suitably impressed.

    Very classy chops too btw - enjoyed the listen.


  5. As someone who recently re-worked a song I wrote in my late teens, I recognise the lyrical dilemma (do you leave them as they were written or re-work them)?

    I decided to retain my teenage angst and lyrical naivety, I'm glad you came to the same conclusion.

    You should look back on this with pride - great chord changes and some nice guitar work too - much to like.


    • Like 1
  6. I love the way you build these tracks in layers - I've experimented doing similar things and I just end up with chaos.

    Great skill to know the difference between what works and what doesn't.

    Hope the lurgy clears up soon, Mrs AndyB01 and I are just recovering from something similar.


    • Thanks 1
  7. Come to the UK, it's almost mid July and we're still waiting for a Summer. ?

    I quite fancy Scotland but I can't be doing with the midges. I think they breed them as a border control to keep the English away - highly effective it is too. ?

    • Haha 1
  8. 33 minutes ago, Wookiee said:

    You are old school linear, like using a tapedeck. ?

    You nailed me in a single sentence. ?

    I'll follow your recommendation - see if I can open my mind a little...

    I make no promises however

    • Like 1
  9. Kids prefer using Ableton (at least my lad does for his DJ stuff and so do all his mates). He absolutely hates the Bandlab/ Sonar GUI and he doesn't much like S1 either.

    FWIW, I can't make head nor tail of Ableton so must be a generational thing.


  10. I can't abide OneDrive - sync issues means it duplicates files on my hard drive which I don't want. I use Carbonite for backup. Small footprint, rock solid and 100 per cent reliable. Not the cheapest is the only downside, Backblaze is another option.

  11. Hi Nigel - awful news about the guy who produced the video - this is a great testament to his talent.

    Loved all of it, I can hear a Duran Duran vibe too - no bad thing in my book.


  12. Stellar vocal Rex (love the Hammond btw). I'm not a huge fan of the drums (especially the crash cymbal).

    It's a very simple arrangement - but no worse for that - very nicely done.  I'm not sure about the stereo effect on the solo guitar - may work better on monitors but it's a little disconcerting on cans.

    As for this...

    On 5/28/2024 at 5:46 AM, RexRed said:

    I hope they have some redeeming quality that makes them shine on their own merit.

    All your songs have many different qualities - yes you have a signature style but so have countless other hugely successful singer/ songwriters so I don't see the issue.

    I certainly enjoy listening to your stuff.

    All the best


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