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Everything posted by quattj

  1. New release January 22 2025! Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss
  2. New release November 25 2024 Super Tetris 3
  3. Thanks, and yikes. My files are too varied for this to be feasible, especially since I don't know the exact number the volume would be after running the find/change. Events should be events. 😑 I worked around it by adding volume modification in to my own editor that I wrote for the project I am working on.
  4. I am running a find/change for controller 7 Volume with value range 1 to 127 and replacing with value 40 to 127. In the resulting MIDI file, no volume should be below 40 unless it is 0. However, in 10 of the songs on the 31 song soundtrack I am working on, the volume remains at 28 because it is set at the very beginning of the track and there are no further volume changes in most of them to later boost it up. This can be confirmed in the Event Viewer, where that original volume of 28 setting does not appear in the list of events. I am using Cakewalk 2022.11. Can anyone confirm that this is either fixed or not fixed in newer versions? I am attaching a sample file. To replicate the issue, load the file click in any track and press CTRL-A to select all run Process -> Find/Change Select only Control: Number Min 7, Max 7; Value Min 1 Max 127 then press OK Set Control: Number Min 7, Max 7; Value Min 40 Max 127 then press OK Save the file. Then load it in an alternate editor/player/decompiler/whatever and check the volume values for Channel 7 and Channel 8. 16 Final Space noperc clean repair MERGE GS mod5.mid
  5. I have been working on a project for the last several years remastering my favorite soundtracks from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) as high quality GS MIDI Files, and uploading the completed soundtrack videos to YouTube, as well as having the MIDI files available for download. Cakewalk plays an important part in the process after the MIDI files are entering their final completion phase. I use it to trim each file down to 2 complete song loops, and add a 10 second fade-out at the end of each song using a custom CAL script. There is a "making of" time-lapse included at the end of the project playlist (though the process as a whole changes over time as I learn more and improve my techniques and workflow). New release July 5 2024! Super Valis IV The full SNES MIDI Remaster Project playlist can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzNFPVjo8upworyQq0DXDTiCZzPP29Frw Soundtracks currently remastered: Axelay https://youtu.be/YJC4pmL1hGU Battletoads and Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team https://youtu.be/bt8FIzJuIu8 Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past https://youtu.be/IknXcaQYxaY Prince Of Persia https://youtu.be/cFp1Dos_ltM Super Double Dragon https://youtu.be/6ICJpRNXzaM Super Castlevania IV https://youtu.be/r0-P66UJDzY Super Castlevania IV (Prototype) https://youtu.be/PPQJMg3UVng Super R-Type https://youtu.be/3ApAJHJDjc4 (new!) Super Valis IV https://youtu.be/I_UBQWP0OGI Bonus: Making of SMRP https://youtu.be/DKRim0JcXVg More info about the project/documentation can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1op35g2ALiWenpXUNndyuHikq6ZlfmQuG?usp=drive_link with additional per-soundtrack info located in the video descriptions.
  6. [snarky reply deleted] Got it. Thanks. ? Perfect, I will give this a shot. Thank you! ?
  7. Yes, I am cutting them off before these events, which is why I am looking for a solution. The files are generated from a utility with infinite looping, and I am using Cakewalk to trim and fade them after 2 loops, so in the process I lose those events.
  8. I have a bunch of long MIDI files for my project that I then trim to length when I am done. However, when I do this I lose controller events at the end of the track (CC 121, 123, 127) that I'd like to remain present without having to manually re-add them to every track of each song after I'm done trimming. Is there an easy way to cut off the end of a song without losing this info?
  9. I am shortening existing MIDI files using the split option, and deleting the end parts that I do not need. However, in the process I am losing a few "end of track" events, like "Reset All Controllers", "Stop All Sound", etc. Is there somewhere in Cakewalk that I can automatically add things like this back to the ends of the cut tracks, or would I need to use some kind of scripting to do that?
  10. The red highlighted box is the item in question. I have completed 145 other MIDI files using more or less the same technique I am using now. MIDI files are created with a utility. Files are edited with Anvil Studio, Sekaiju, and a few other pieces of software. Once the files are essentially "complete", I open them in Cakewalk, trim them to the length I need, and apply a fade out at the end using a CAL script. Up until now, none of the other 145 files ever showed the setup track, yet in this soundtrack (31 new files that I am opening, no importing) in Cakewalk multiple files are displaying the setup track in the Cakewalk track view. I understand how Cakewalk displays data. I understand it normally has separate views for certain things. To be clear, whether or not Cakewalk displays this track in the track view, it exists in the MIDI file. So I did just take a look at the event list in Cakewalk for that particular setup track. It shows a SYSEX reset (forget if it's the GM or GS) and a second line that said "Sysx Bank". So I checked a setting that I recently changed: "Always use Sysx Banks for MIDI files (instead of Sysx Data)" It was originally selected, and I recently unselected it. I tried re-selecting it, and the setup track is now not displaying. So to answer the question, something with the way Cakewalk handles SYSEX is the cause for the track displaying when this option is unchecked.
  11. They actually are part of a track, for that is the structure of a MIDI file. MIDI files consist solely of the Mthd header chunk and a subsequent series of Mtrk track chunks. The very first track in a MIDI file is where all of the setup takes place. It normally does not contain any note data (unless it is a type 0 file, which only contains a single track). Normally this first track is not displayed in Cakewalk, but for some reason, with a few of these files, it is being displayed. My goal it to understand why it is doing this so I can either A) ignore it (though it will make some of my edits a little more tedious because I will need to deselect it all the time) or B) remove or move the offending event(s) to the next track (ie, the first musical track). Other editors, such as Sekaiju, always display the setup track. See the attached screenshots from Sekaiju. You can see the setup tracks at the top of the list, and also the events that are in each setup track. In Cakewalk, for one of the files (song 02) it does not show the setup track, yet in the other one (song 04) it does, so my assumption is some event in the setup track is causing it to be displayed in Cakewalk. It is not a setting that is being modified, as I can load all of my files at the same time, and some will show it, while some will not. More info about the internals of a MIDI file can be found at https://www.midi.org/specifications/file-format-specifications/standard-midi-files
  12. I am working on a MIDI soundtrack, as I have done with six others in the past. Normally the track view has not been showing the "first" (setup) track, containing things like time signature and SYSEX data. However, with my current soundtrack, some of my songs are showing the first track, while others are not. What event(s) would cause the track to appear in this soundtrack, but only on some of the files? In the attachment, the top file is not showing the setup track, while the bottom one is.
  13. Does anyone have a CAL script for removing "duplicate" events that occur on the same tick, but contain different values? I have a MIDI file I am trying to clean up that has hundreds of volume events that happen on the same ticks (same track, same channel), meaning there are hundreds of tick values that contain two or more volume events with differing values for the same notes. So for example: Tick 510 -> Note On Tick 540 -> volume 64 Tick 540 -> volume 73 Theoretically the first event should get ignored because they both happen at the same time, but the values that are set in my file may need to keep the first OR the second, so I would hopefully be able to specify if I wanted to remove either all the first occurrences, all the second occurrences, etc.
  14. Firstly: Currently, when I open an Event List window for a strictly MIDI file, it is not displaying the initial program change on a track. (File -> Open -> Name.mid, View -> Event List) It will display any program changes further down the track, just not at the very beginning. Is there a setting somewhere to change this, or is it a bug? Secondly: Is there a way to refine the Event List filtering? For example, if I show only "Controller", it shows ALL controllers, which makes it difficult in a complex file if, say, I'm just looking for Volume (7), or Expression (11), etc.
  15. I normally work mainly in the main track view for the edits I need to make on my midi files. I am now also using the piano roll view to edit some of my cc values. Is there a way to lock the zoom level together so when I zoom in/out in one, it zooms the same in the other? In other words, a 1:1 zoom across multiple views?
  16. Sounds like you are looking for an active USB cable. It contains circuitry to amplify the signal to allow a longer USB run. https://www.google.com/search?q=active+usb+a+to+b+cable
  17. As a workaround, I am now: - using my instrument switcher to temporarily change any instrument with a number >= 100 to an instrument number <= 99 (in most cases, 2x Page Up gets me -20 instrument number, which puts it in the "acceptable range", - making the required edits with Cakewalk, - resetting the changed instrument numbers back to their originals using my instrument switcher. Pain and suffering reduced by 92%. Cakewalk no longer corrupts the instrument selections, and I no longer have to spend a bunch of time manually deleting incorrect bank selects.
  18. In the latest version 2022.11, this issue is still present. I have replied to the support email with a follow-up. See the mess in my NEW project! It appears any Bank Select for [*edit] an instrument number 100 or over [*/edit] causes a problem.
  19. Siiiiigh. I had to re-edit all of the final finished files with Cakewalk to insert a measure at the beginning of 34 of the songs (it auto-added the setup measure only to a single song), and it re-added all of the incorrect instruments that I had already manually removed. ?
  20. I've been working on a project converting video game soundtracks to MIDI. MIDI files are being created and modified prior to being brought in to Cakewalk for some final touch-ups. For the first soundtrack I did, Cakewalk automatically created a setup measure in all of my files so things like the GS reset and other setup type things would have enough time to execute before the music actually starts playing. However, in my second soundtrack, it only did this for one of my files, so now I have 34 files that start immediately upon playback (even though they contain all the same setup information as the previous soundtrack) and one file that has a delay of a measure before it starts playing. For consistency and smoothness of playback, I'd like to add this setup measure to all of the files. I know I can insert a blank measure at the beginning of each, but I'd like to have the MIDI system setup things moved in to that measure as well. Suggestions?
  21. I read the bank select documentation. Curious why it would change the default "Normal", which is what my files *should* use, in to using "Patch". And why it only happened with a small amount of them. They all go through essentially the same creation process, and are all edited with the same various softwares before being brought in to Cakewalk. All of the offending items were Program Change 117, 118, or 119, though not in all files, and not all instances of each. (116, 117, 118 depending on the editor in question)
  22. I emailed support about the issue. They are looking in to it. ... 100% video game music! I am working on a project converting SNES (Super Nintendo) soundtracks in to high quality MIDI files. This soundtrack (Super Castlevania IV) is nearly complete. This issue with Cakewalk delayed it ? I just went through all of the files one by one, and only 4 of the 35 were affected. Took about an hour to delete all the extra program changes. Once I test them out, I think it will all be good. If you're curious to hear the final soundtrack when it is complete (as well as the previous soundtrack I have finished, Super R-Type), check out the project playlist on YouTube. It has full soundtrack video(s), as well as links in the video descriptions to my Google drive folder, which contains instructions on the process I am using to create the files, as well as downloadable mp3 and MIDI versions of the soundtracks. New soundtracks will be added as I complete them. Hopefully with all the issues ironed out for the next one https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzNFPVjo8upworyQq0DXDTiCZzPP29Frw
  23. It appears that what is happening is: There is a bank select, followed by a program change in the original file. Cakewalk is holding on to this program change number. There is new bank select followed by a new program change, at which point Cakewalk applies the previous program change number to the new bank select (which it should not), and immediately follows it by the same new bank select but with the new program change number (which it should). You can see in the Sekaiju screenshot that PC 116 is then followed by a wrong PC 116, PC 118 is followed by a wrong PC 118, and the next PC 116 is followed by a wrong PC 116. It does not happen all the time, which is strange. It seems only certain bank selects are having this problem. Thus far, I see it happening with specific melodic perscussions (though I have not analyzed my other files yet). I manually deleted all of the bad PCs in the final version of this same file (which I have already faded, tagged, and renamed before finding out there was a problem) using Sekaiju. The instrument list is now correct in this file. See screenshots of the final file before manually deleting the PCs, and after. The after screenshot matches instruments of the original file before editing with Cakewalk.
  24. Hmm, it looks like any time Cakewalk lists "Patch 100..." in the Patch data field instead of Controller 0, I am getting the issue with instruments. Note that the 3 "Patch 100..." in the Cakewalk screenshot correspond to the 3 erroneous doubled-program changes in the Sekaiju screeshot.
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