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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. Every new synth is essentially just a preset pack!
  2. Not too many knobs eh? I'm sticking to my Imagine recommendation and will add Softube Parallels, but it's much more pad-y than pluck-y.
  3. Someone better buy some of their stuff so they can afford a new SSL certificate. ?
  4. Same here, but I check the site every day like the crackhead that I am anyway.
  5. Blame your government, it seems to be available for everyone else!
  6. Well...hopefully? Not sure why you're making this sound like a bad thing. Unless the upgrade will be $299.
  7. Oh boy, this is kind of my thing... You're missing a lot of the best ones. Expressive E Imagine Madrona Labs Kaivo and Aalto Rhizomatic Plasmonic TAQS.IM Solo FXpansion and ROLI stuff XILS PolyKB, PolyM, KaoX (yeah yeah, more emulations, but these are INCREDIBLE)
  8. Not true the other way around.
  9. Yeah, I bought Jazz Noir and it's great. Didn't like the previews of Jazz & Funk. I don't think it's available at resellers. Neither is the Percussion extension that I'm desperate for.
  10. So I got this as well as 3 extensions and I had no trouble authorising or downloading or whatever. One time, deleting the track BFD was on caused Studio One to crash (MBP M1 Pro, Rosetta) but I figured out how to avoid that (deactivating the instrument first). No further issues so far. This thing and especcially the Tama kit from the Modern Retro extension sounds so *****ing good that I pee myself a little every time I'm playing it. It's almost literally like playing the real kit. So much better than AD2 it's ridiculous. Worth every bit of trouble so far.
  11. Those are toys, not drums.
  12. For people who don't pay VAT.
  13. https://physicalaudio.co.uk/ Those synths are insanity.
  14. Or, refresh this page 783 times a day like us sane folk.
  15. Waiting for the $20 off code you can use multiple times. RIP wallet.
  16. Yeah, but Tone King was excluded last year iirc.
  17. Except for Sun Drums and Clavichord. Before you get your hopes up. Like me. ?
  18. Is it worth it grabbing anything if I don’t necessarily need anything, or should I wait for the yearly group buy thing?
  19. Oh definitely. Almost all of the instruments are fantastic and you'll never not find the right flavour ever again.
  20. No MIDI mapping was a shock to me and I had to check if Sun Drums supported it. Luckily, it does.
  21. Well, Sweetwater came through and I actually got a serial for the whole collection. ?
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