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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. Yeah but who cares. Free stuff, yay!
  2. It was never not free is my point
  3. I think this has been free since release, which was quite a while ago.
  4. 900 Megs? Better buy some additional floppy disks so this giant library will fit!
  5. Newfangled Generate $62 F me, will the overspending ever end?
  6. So yeah, I invested fairly heavily in this so called broken software, because I couldn't see how or where exactly it's broken, but now I guess I can... This is what happened randomly with like 82 days left until the next scheduled check: And now BFD is not loading any samples anymore and I can't use $250 worth of software.
  7. This doesn't have MPE support, does it?
  8. You sort the modules by price. Easy enough. https://store.cherryaudio.com/modules
  9. And regular sale prices for everyone who has to pay VAT. edit: that's what you said. Sorry. Deal burnout.
  10. I think Cherry demos always show up as owned in your library, but I could be wrong. Worth a shot.
  11. Hate when people say "just demo it". I don't want to form my own opinion, I want yours first to see if it's even worth bothering. Anyway, this is for next BF as I'm like $500 over my budget already...
  12. Which one of them for acoustic sounding stuff? edit: Icarus, apparently
  13. At least for Atma (I don’t own the others), you can add your v1 serial to MNDALA2 and it will work.
  14. jngnz

    PRS Amp Sim (Waves)

  15. Yeah, people were pissed about the upgrade pricing when SSS2 was released because they had just bought v1 for like $48 about 3 months prior, and inSession said something like "but but... that was a one time special discount for the old version and it's worth more than that anyway!"
  16. The dev confirmed on Reddit choosing the Spanish flag will get you the Spanish version only...
  17. jngnz

    PRS Amp Sim (Waves)

    You people keep making multiple exclamation marks for stuff that barely deserves a single one.
  18. Discount code "jordan" for an additional 15% off. PS: SOLO is killer.
  19. Shimmer Shake Strik 2 upgrade from 1 with all extensions is $58.98, FYI
  20. Couldn't agree more about VREV305. I see people getting excited about the Liquidsonics sale and I'm over here smirking, thinking „if they only knew“…
  21. Yes, it was just a remark for people who might not know.
  22. What makes Amek 9099 stand out?
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