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Old Joad

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Everything posted by Old Joad

  1. Generation: Generation X - Your Generation: After all who's been more jilted then Billy?
  2. Tonto and The Lone Ranger are surrounded buy angry indigenous peoples of North America, The Lone Ranger says "Well I guess this is it, we are going to die" Tonto looks at The Lone Ranger and says, "What do you mean we, white man"...
  3. John is right. I use the AKG Pro Audio K240 STUDIO, They work great plus they have a 3 m replaceable cable..
  4. Two blondes standing on opposite sides of a river, one shouts out "How do I get to the other side?" the second one shouts back "you're already there"....
  5. agreed, I did the test and got some results, but when I tried the Hum-X it didn't work so back to Amazon it goes..
  6. I just say stupid things in the song forum sometimes? I'm not sure if they get offended or not... BTW Welcome back: If you put a song in the song forum and I say something stupid about it, don't be offended?
  7. We are living in a world of extremes...
  8. I got Fabulous and thunderbirds, thats two points.✌️
  9. A man walks into a bar and says, "I want to buy drinks for everyone in the place except for that ***** bag sitting over there" gesturing towards a woman across the room. The bartender says to the man, "that's not nice, apologize right now and buy her a drink." The man agrees and the bartender says to the woman, "what would you like to drink?" The woman says, "I'll have a vinegar and water."?
  10. This might be cool to check out. Sean Ono Lennon interviews Julian Lennon, Paul McCartney and Elton John in John Lennon At 80 on BBC Radio
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