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Salvatore Sorice

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  1. In the video I think you should mention that you need to press the shortcut key "J" to enable the scrub tool.
  2. Not at my PC to test, but I’m guessing that you could use CTRLclick to select non adjacent tracks or SHIFTclick to select a bunch of adjacent tracks, then hold down CTRL while clicking on the freeze button to freeze what is selected.
  3. I don't have any of their products - my price shows as $799. Yikes! Maybe buy something small and I'd get an "upgrade" offer?
  4. It's a very simple song (which most great songs are). Great lyrics - and this is an excellent interpretation.
  5. OK - not a music related one, but this is one of my favorites - so insightful!
  6. No idea how to download / install it... EDIT: Figured it out - had to do more scrolling - my mistake 😁
  7. Welcome back @John Vere! I thought you had left the forum.
  8. I’ve watched a bunch of them and learned a lot. Thanks @Robert McClellan
  9. FWIW, on 02/27/2025 I had a project that would not stop playing no matter what I tried. Task manager, etc. showed things running normally (no high CPU for any processes, etc.). Had to kill Sonar via Task Manager. That was the first time that ever happened - never saw it with a prior build. All is running OK now. I'll report back if it happens again.
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