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Sal Sorice

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  1. Posted this in the Feedback section - not sure if it would be more appropriate if it was in this forum - Moderators, please move/adjust as you see fit. Quick overview: Here is a link to the original post: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/topic/81342-feature-request-2nd-time-multiple-console-windows/#comment-563413
  2. I posted this a while back and am hoping that with the new GUI for Sonar it is earlier to implement and more likely to be included in a future release. Here's the original thread: Here's an image (from the above post) that illustrates what I mean:
  3. I've been following him for a while. Has some great content - and this seems really cool. Can't wait to try it out!
  4. Not sure if the compressed drive is directly affecting your current issue, but I think drive/file compression could really hurt performance on a DAW PC.
  5. Any insights from @Noel Borthwick or anyone else? Thanks!
  6. There was an update to Musio today and the problem seems to be fixed. Haven't heard back from support yet, so not sure if the update specifically addressed the issue or if it's just a coincidence. Not sure why, but for this project, Sonar reports using 27GB of RAM: But Task Manager shows 12.5GB?: When I exit Sonar RAM (shown in Task Manager) immediately drops to about 6GB, then slowly declines to 0 over about 15 seconds before sonar.exe fully terminates. Not sure if it's Musio related or if it's common for other plugins to slowly release RAM before sonar.exe terminates?
  7. Got a reply from Musio that their tech folks will look into it. I’ll post an update with what they find.
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