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Craig Fowler

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  1. Not trying to put a damper on things, but important to be aware that the libraries appear to be abandonware based on the dev's non-responsiveness. Over at VI:Control there's a lengthy thread showing people troubleshooting the CFX library for themselves!
  2. Blimey, that's a deal and a half!
  3. The thing I like best about it is the drive knob - it's a very usable overdriven preamp sound compared to most in-the-box distortion, and I really like not having endless things to tweak (like the Vertigo/Culture Vulture/Black Box type of saturation plugins). I'm honestly overloaded with channel strips, despite the fact that I never end up using them. If you don't have any, it's worth having. Truthfully, I'd probably buy it just for the drive - I just wish you could have that in a separate one-knob plugin! My one caveat is that it's not the most stable plugin I've used. I sometimes get crashes with it. Perhaps it's just my system.
  4. Was surprised to see this dates back to 2008! I am resisting the urge to give in to massive reductions on something I don't need.
  5. Indeed. Hard to beat Orange Tree for going way beyond call of duty for customers.
  6. Best wishes and healing thoughts, Wook!
  7. It does on mine, which is graphic card-less but not that old (i7-8700k).
  8. Indiginus is a brilliant developer, and I ever thought I could need a dulcimer library I'd be all over this. Alas...
  9. I've been vaguely toying with this because I have that coupon, but I don't really need them...and the ones I'm interested in are really old at this point (is it still worth getting their Distressor when you have the IK version? Or their Ampex if you have their Studer + all the IK tape emus?). Am very curious about Fatso, but in the demos I can't actually hear what it's doing! I think I've talked myself out of it!
  10. Definitely, I'd say. The B3 and Rhodes are as good as it gets IMO.
  11. Can upgrade from a single plugin... https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=T-RackS6UpgradeDeal2024&fbclid=IwY2xjawGHuXhleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHVJCybD7r4PBbidc0ZG-DLjcr35AMcTAjdLB-Ct3GH99ZY7IFTPzggtgtA_aem_AckvzjPmaTwvAkuAkeG5wg (no further Jampoints discount)
  12. Just dropped yesterday. $249 normal price, $199 (USD) intro. https://www.vilabsaudio.com/modernd It's absolutely spectacular (and this coming from someone who has 9 VSL pianos plus pretty much all the 'big' piano VSTs except Ivory). It could be the only piano VI you ever need.
  13. I haven't listened to any of his newer releases for a while, though I love me some EC. The timbre of his voice has changed a bit (but you still wouldn't think you were listening to someone knocking on 80's door!). His phrasing is as 'him' as ever, though. Like you, I'm not sure I'd recognize the vocalist immediately, but I'm glad to hear lots of ECisms still there in his voice!
  14. Don't care about a new version of Kontakt...I just want a Native Access that works!
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