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Niky Serrano

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Everything posted by Niky Serrano

  1. Don't forget to also buy a new hard drive.
  2. Yes, the site is unstable. I finally got the plugin after trying to get it about ten or twelve times.
  3. One of my best developers! Thank you for sharing!
  4. Great! I took the quiz randomly and got the links.
  5. Scaler 2 was updated at v2.9 the last month of April https://www.kvraudio.com/news/plugin-boutique-updates-scaler-2-to-v2-9-60629 So, the comment about Scaler 3 is coming... is true
  6. What's the difference between https://www.bozdigitallabs.com/ and https://www.bozmasterkeys.com/ ? I have the New York L 1926 Lite plugin and others in the first one, and the New York L 1991 - Lite in the second one A bit confusing
  7. You are wrong about PRO version The PRO version for the Karanyi products, is named Plus now I think that the Max versions, will be Plus Plus
  8. I have a code of Stardust 201 Tape Echo if someone want to pay for it or swap by other one
  9. In my case, a bad experience with customer service. The result was that my account was banned. Some information and experience about this can be found in this forum. The products can be good or bad, but it is a company that is not serious.
  10. Karanyi sucks That's my opinion
  11. A list of open source VST/audio plugin projects Audio Plugins Collections Audio Apps Software Development Libraries & APIs Code Samples Open Data Resources https://openaudio.webprofusion.com/
  12. Well... from my point of view, to buy all only for one synth... is not a good idea But a solution could be to buy the package and sell the rest of plugins and content for cheap prices. The final proposal is not get the synth I want free, but minimize the price a lot I am going there
  13. Info link with the prices to upgrade Mixcraft 9 to 10.5 https://acoustica.com/products/mixcraft-10-upgrade
  14. Tha packages are: Cloud Pads => https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/12310-Cloud-Pads Orchestral One Shots 4 => https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/10555-Orchestral-One-Shots-4 Producersdiary 2 - Divine Sounds => https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/12304-Producersdiary-2-Divine-Sounds Serum Kings => https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/12306-Serum-Kings Tap Chiefs => https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/12312-Trap-Chiefs All Free in the bundle HERE => https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/81-Bundles/98-Sample-and-Preset-Packs/12313-5x-Sample-Packs-Bundle-Exclusive-
  15. https://www.waves.com/account/free-berzerk-distortion-hyperbits
  16. Yes @cclarry it is Version + Version light (free) Same technology as the plus version, but 1 selectable transient or sustain detector without ducking feature. Less metering and no sidechain filter
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