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Niky Serrano

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Everything posted by Niky Serrano

  1. Add here the GitHub repos of these implementations if helps someone https://github.com/jiixyj/libebur128 https://github.com/jiixyj/loudness-scanner
  2. I lost the possibility to get Transient Shaper for $10 in the last offer
  3. Thanks for the link, but we should to think that our machine resources that are limited To use a virtual machine you have to share the resources (memory, processor, etc) between the real OS and the virtual machine, and in my case, if I do that, I will have problems mixing and mastering my songs You suggestion is a possibility, yes, but in my case is not the ideal one The other option is to use a dual boot loader to load Windows on my Mac, with the possibility to use both (one or other) when I need... but I will be sharing the same hard disk losting a part of the hard disk for one or other OS I prefer don't use a plugin instead of pay a high cost to do it possible
  4. and buy a new machine too... For one plugin?... not a good idea
  5. Windows and Linux only... macOS is missing... ?
  6. Martin Lüders gives us PG-8X v2.0.13, completely free This virtual instrument is the emulation of a Roland JP-8 Emulation https://sites.google.com/site/mlvst0/pg8x-2 For banks, patches, presets,... https://www.kvraudio.com/product/pg-8x-by-ml-vst/downloads
  7. The Audio Programmer - Neural Audio Plugin Competition https://www.theaudioprogrammer.com/neural-audio
  8. In the last step, the payment one, you can add the code
  9. Ops! I'm sorry... the thumb down for me is not for @kevin H but about the news I have just removed the icon I used because I didn't know that the reputation count was involved with the icon I used Thanks for explaining the implications about this @abacab
  10. The bad news is that you can not combine more than one discount code... In my case, the codes ETHERALOYALTY and EG25LITEUP for ETHERA Gold 2.5 Very dissapointed with this ?
  11. And Nylonist free too You have to include it in the cart after include Space I or Space II
  12. I think that the code to get the discount in the purchase product page (https://karanyi.gumroad.com/l/minipol) is the same for all users... and the serial that you will receive after purchase the product... the same too.. ?
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