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Treblecock Studio

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About Treblecock Studio

  • Birthday October 4

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  1. You are so right and thank you!
  2. Thank you Mark because I was going for smooth!
  3. Well thanks! We have to poke fun at ourselves right?
  4. Ok so do not watch if you have important things to do today as this video will dumb you down. However, if your biggest plan is to enjoy a good coffee and have a laugh or two then I am happy to share this fun project we are developing. We are bringing a little live theater back to music. It does end with a pretty tasty tune.
  5. My Wife would sure love this. I'll send her the video link. Great job
  6. Treblecock Studio


    Could be the theme song for Legend of Zelda. Fun track Jack
  7. Treblecock Studio


    Hints of old school ZZ Top before they went pop. Nice tune
  8. Thanks Andy. Like I said earlier, he wins every songwriting contest we have with each other and I am happy to lose.
  9. Levon. Ya Thats good I never correlated but you are right. Thanks very much. Will pass that along to Adam
  10. Thank you. We are going to have a go at a puppet shadow music video next Thanks Jack
  11. Adam and I have songwriting contests all the time. One of us comes up with a song title then we both write our own version and who's ever is best, we record. We always record his version haha
  12. Thanks Mark. The female is one SJ Riley. Adam will love that you heard soul in there. He likes to call his music Soultown. Like the Motown formula of happy music - sad lyrics but a little more sass.
  13. Thank goodness that we all paint different pictures right? Gary you have given me a good idea. Let me work on that for a bit
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