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Everything posted by RobertWS

  1. The only thing that causes inflation is pumping additional money into an economy.
  2. If a song has multiple key changes, there will be multiple scales.
  3. There used to be: Microsoft MIDI Mapper. It's gone now. All is explained here and they have a substitute: https://coolsoft.altervista.org/en/midimapper
  4. All present and accounted for....SIR!
  5. I'm confused. Sometimes they DO show up in the Eventlist.
  6. I doubt there is a workaround for this and it will probably never be fixed but.... I disassembled a MIDI file to see the controller messages: MFile 1 2 960 MTrk 0 Meta SeqName "Test" .... MTrk 0 Meta TrkName "Track 1" 0 PrCh ch=1 p=0 0 Par ch=1 c=10 v=4 0 Par ch=1 c=91 v=77 (This one) 64 On ch=1 n=60 v=127 608 On ch=1 n=60 v=0 ... You can see controller 91 (external effects, reverb in this case) is set to 77. Here is how it looks in Cakewalk: Note: The reverb dial is set to 77 but there is no controller in the event list. Is there anything that can be done about this?
  7. If he was going fishing, he would use a bass boat.
  8. Is that a slam on 2x4's? Wow, somebody is board.
  9. Fair enough. Name a non-Microsoft app.
  10. I think it was called: WebView2 Runtime Which I think is a sneaky way Microsoft is trying to force their browser onto our machines by illegally taking advantage of their monopoly. The .NET framework already includes browser tools. In any event, put this in a batch file and run it as administrator: Be gone demon spawn!
  11. Yes. But, if it is a plain MIDI file...it can never be saved as a track. So, adding something, unasked, that can't be saved....is not an...um...er....optimum design decision.
  12. So, I went into my archives and installed a much older version of Cakewalk. It recognizes my soft-synth like every other MIDI program in Windows...unlike the newest Cakewalk. TTS-1 still kept getting inserted as a track so I unregistered it which fixed that problem. In an admin command shell: regsvr32 /u C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared DXi\TTS-1\TTS-1.dll Next, I'll spend hours trying get the Edge crapware off my system that Cakewalk decided to infest me with. Thanks for nothing! A pox on whomever did that. And, since I'm part gypsy, that person is going to need Calamine lotion soon!
  13. To be more precise, that someone just wants to edit MIDI files.
  14. Let's say, theoretically, someone was fed up with the recent changes to Cakewalk because it completely disabled their setup. What would be the best replacement?
  15. It looked like it tried to install Edge at the same time....sneaky bastards. I caught it in time. Don't need to crapware on my machine.
  16. Mine was working fine. Then I installed 2023.09 (Build 062, 64 bit) and I'm having the same problem. And, when I open a plain MIDI file, Cakewalk, TTS-1 is inserted as a track. WTF? I'm glad I have the previous version in case I have to go back.
  17. A topic is a topic regardless of how it is broached. If you don't understand that, then I don't know what to tell you.
  18. If someone writes a song about it they've effectively started the topic.
  19. You don't need to be sad and angry. Global warming, aka 'climate change' is a hoax.
  20. You could try: https://coolsoft.altervista.org/en/virtualmidisynth
  21. The only time I heard of a successful suit was when George Harrison got sued for "My Sweet Lord". Even he agreed he must have heard it and accidentally stole it. It's different when rap/hip-hop "artists" use samples from other songs. They pay!
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