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Everything posted by WyleyR

  1. Hey everyone, Today, I started getting email spam from Wusik again. I don't own any of his products. I unsubscribe repeatedly, yet he ignores that and keeps spamming. Not sure if I'm alone. Anyone else getting spam from this guy?
  2. If any of you are after a great-sounding reverb and have a powerful CPU, my initial impressions of Neoverb are extremely positive. Depending on the settings it can chew up a chunk of CPU all on its own. I'm running an instance of it on a verb-send track and it ranges from perhaps 20-ish percent to over 30 percent. That said, it sounds really really good. My go-to reverb has been PhoenixVerb for a long while, and granted Neoverb probably has code from PhoenixVerb in it. I'm really impressed with the sound quality and how tweakable this is. If you have $10 burning a hole through your pocket, and you don't know what to get with today's $20 voucher, this would be a solid choice.
  3. I just received my license for Neoverb! It's installing now.
  4. I just picked up Neoverb for $9.99. I've never done a PA_Ext plugin before, I wonder how long it takes to get the code.
  5. Just bought this one this morning. Played with it a bit, going to have to figure out the best way to use it.
  6. That's what I figured, just wanted to be certain. Thank you!
  7. Does anyone have any experience with the online discounter called -----------.com ? Some of their prices are good, and some appear amazing to the point of being too good to be true.
  8. OMG, my mind is blown. A kazoo. With some effects on the sound. Incredible!
  9. I think my FM needs are covered between Image-Line Sytrus, Native Instruments FM8, and Dexed. Bought Biotek 2, it's downloading now. Very excited about this one!
  10. I think I'm going to stick with Pinball FX3 and the DLC tables I purchased for it. BTW, the base Pinball FX3 game is free on Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/442120/Pinball_FX3/ I'm not sure how many tables it ships with, but the DLC bundles regularly go on sale for a few $.
  11. Disappointing, but not surprising. The Forever29 plan screws up their entire marketing plan of "Hey, look at these amazing sale prices" when those of us that know about the Forever29 plan say, "That's ridiculous, every plugin they sell is only worth $30.99 and here's why." That said, the discontinuation of the Forever29 "subscription" and their change to the $25 loyalty voucher requiring a minimum purchase of $75 means that I'll be purchasing far fewer plugins from Plugin Alliance going forward.
  12. Looks like we'll hit 20 free sometime tonight.
  13. I appreciate the answer. From a user-standpoint this feels really misleading at best. Almost like buying software that advertises as "includes x number of fonts" and finding out they included each letter contained within the font as a separate one: "200+ fonts included", but really 4 fonts with the full alphabet in each; extreme example but I think it get the point across and might explain some people's hesitation with jumping in with IK Multimedia.
  14. @Peter - IK Multimedia Do you have any answers about the preset discrepancy between what is listed on the IKM website and what's actually installed? This is a sticking point for a lot of us and I would really like an answer before I buy in.
  15. It's really beginning to feel like we're not going to make it all the way on this group buy. We're past the two-thirds mark for time with only 9 days left and we're not even half-way there. If my calculations are correct, we may not even make it to 2,000 participants. I think what would really help is if IK Multimedia would send someone here and to the other forums with some actual answers to the many questions that are holding a ton of people back from buying in. If the group buy goes all the way, do we get Syntronik 2 Max as it says on IK Multimedia's website? Will there be any upgrade path to other products from IKM? Do we get the multi's that would be included in Syntronik 2 Max? If so, how? Why is there a huge discrepancy with the number of presets advertised on the website and what people actually get? Someone on another forum said that IK support told them that they consider wavesets as "instrument presets." This seems absurd. So every wavetable is an instrument preset on a wavetable synth? And every sine, triangle wave, square wave, including intermediate steps between are also presets according to IKM? This is misleading at best. @Peter - IK Multimedia Can you answer these questions? Silence is not golden.
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