Thank for your help Matthew. So I am not the only one with this problem.
I cannot uninstall my v10 plugins as I have some of them not upgraded.
Hope Waves will fix this error.
Edit: Support Ticket created.
After upgrade from v10 to v11 some of my standalone Instruments are not working anymore e.g. GTR, Clavinet, Bass Slapper.
Pop-Up message ask for "Select Waves plugins-folder". No chance to get rid of it.
Inside my DAW everything works fine.
Any idea to solve it?
I have already Synthmaster Player installed. Is there a way to check how many presents I have? 550 or 1800 Presets?
I see the current installed factory presets files sizes are 369 KB and 98 KB.
Yes. Now the summer is warming up.
From the dealer site:
special offer
Summer of Sound 2019
In the period of 31.05.2019 through 30.06.2019 there is a 50 % Discount on the Updates and Upgrades of Native Instruments Komplete 12 compared to the manufacturer's suggested retail price.