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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I got 15 updates to version 1.4.0.
  2. Hi Larry, for me it works on Windows 10 21H1 and Cubase 11 Pro. BR Frank
  3. Frank

    Izotope Email

    Now it works. New mail arrived
  4. Frank

    Izotope Email

    Same for me. Empty mail.
  5. Galactic May Sale Save 30% on Backbone, Iconica, the new Cubasis 3.3, TGuitar, VST Connect and more from May 4 to May 17, 2021. https://new.steinberg.net/promotion/galactic-may-sale/?et_cid=15&et_lid=22&et_sub=Galactic May Sale&_ga=2.232302424.656281970.1620143497-1480577536.1620143497
  6. https://www.eventideaudio.com/support/product/14169/installers Release Notes Version 1.2.0 New Helix generator mode is based on spirals, creating a bright chaotic sound. New Crescent generator mode is a bright with a clean clear tone. New Magma generator mode is smooth and warm, with a clear vintage tone, and is useful for making very playable sounds. Added support for new tunings via MTS-ESP. Added master pitch modulation to the Pitch Bend knob. Put the Generator Interval Parameter on a full sized knob and made it a modulation destination. Added modulation to the LFOs, Envelopes, and S+H module. Added a LOOP mode to the Envelopes, turning them into LFOs. Added a modulatable Output Level control to the LFOs and Sample and Hold modules. Also added a Bipolar switch allowing them to be bipolar outputs.
  7. Hi, I did it in the following way: Start the Connect tool - press the down arrow on the right - delete the already downloaded files - press the start arrow twice
  8. Get it for free without purchase. https://www.sonible.com/blog/stayhome-package/
  9. Cubase 11 updated to 11.0.20 Download: https://www.steinberg.net/en/support/downloads/cubase_11/cubase_pro_11.html Changes: https://new.steinberg.net/de/cubase/release-notes/11/
  10. Have to wait to download. Download-Servers are on the limit.
  11. Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE and SampleTank 4 SE for only $/€25 each Through April 27, you can own Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE and SampleTank 4 SE for only $/€25 each. That's 83% off! https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?item_id=10653
  12. FREE EXPANSIONS WITH MASCHINE HARDWARE Beatmakers, effects tweakers, finger drummers, sample lovers – it’s time to join the MASCHINE movement. We’ve made the deal extra sweet by throwing in extra free Expansions for all new hardware purchases until May 11. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/maschine/free-expansions-with-maschine-hardware/
  13. Run Inspired Acoustics Connect. Changes: v1.0.22 (Fix): ProTools gave false RAM outage error messages on Mac version of Inspirata. Even though there was no RAM outage on the system, the frequent appearance of the error message was inconvenient. We circumvented this in the latest version of Inspirata by implementing a legacy memory mapping method for the ProTools Mac only. This way the error message does not appear any more. Once the ProTools issue is fixed by Avid, we will re-add the modern memory management methods. (Fix): Earlier, the plugin opened up each time with the BASIC page as the active page. Now Inspirata opens up with the last active page that was used before closing the GUI. (Fix): The issues regarding Digital Performer validation errors are solved. (Fix): In some DAWs, the GUI hangs were experienced when the LATE tab was selected in Inspirata. This problem is solved. (Improvement): Plugin performance and stability is greatly improved due to signal processing optimization. (Improvement): A new feature is added to the SPEAKER SETUP tab called LOCK PAIRS. When enabled, the angles of the paired speakers will change together to keep the symmetry. The improvement is that this function can be disabled, so that asymmetrical speaker azimuth angles can be achieved. The feature is enabled by default. (Improvement): The time of loading the GUI of INSPIRATA has been shortened. (Improvement): When deleting or overwriting a user preset, Inspirata will ask for confirmation to help prevent unwanted actions. (Improvement): The Settings menu contains new configuration options regarding whether the low-cut/high-cut filtering is applied to the wet signal only, to the dry signal only, or to both signals. (Improvement): A warning message is displayed when no room files are found in the designated folders. (Improvement): When no room is selected inside Inspirata, the plugin automatically operates in Bypass mode and it does not mute the signal (Improvement): An automatic routing-matrix function is available. When initializing Inspirata on a track, the default number of sound sources will be equal to the channel count of the track and the routing matrix will be filled out automatically. You can disable the function and do manual routing by un-tick the AUTO option under the routing matrix. (Improvement): Specific speaker azimuth angles can be set up by double clicking on the corresponding speaker(s) and typing in the desired numbers in degrees. (Change): The built-in default room (Lisinski Small Hall) that was part of the plugin installer in the windows versions is removed. The size of the plugin installer is considerably smaller and updates are much smoother this way. The room is naturally still available in the Roompack.
  14. The current sale is running until 3rd of April. I expect the next round by tomorrow with new voucher.
  15. EASTER SPECIALS! April 2, 2021 Save up to 57% on select processors and, sure as eggs is eggs, your mix will ooze with mojo. Get Taupe, Ultramarine, Lemon, Purple, and Camel at crazy prices before April 7, 2021 (11:59 pm CET). Go to store. Camel €159 €87 - You'll save 45% Lemon €129 €84 - You'll save 35% Purple 3 €199 - €86 You'll save 57% Taupe €249 €109 - You'll save 56% Ultramarine 4 €299 €149 - You'll save50% https://www.acustica-audio.com/pages/promos/easter-promo-2021
  16. https://fuseaudiolabs.com/#/pages/plugins ON SALE: GET 50% OFF UNTIL APRIL 5TH (12PM CET). USE THE FOLLOWING VOUCHER AT CHECKOUT: EASTER21
  17. If you don't need your code - I will use it. Thanks Frank
  18. When I see all that trouble then it‘s better to skip.
  19. Hi all, I installed the MFreeFXBundle and upgraded for 6€ the complete bundle. Used my credits (10€ for newletter) and additional coupon MELDA65031591 That's a real no-brainer. Thank to all to pointing me to this great offer. Frank
  20. New update: Degrader v1.0.3 Degrader v1.0.3 New preset system, now with support for user presets. macOS binaries supports ARM (M1) CPU natively New minimum macOS version is now macOS 10.10 Updated development framework from JUCE5 to JUCE6 Note: If you’re using macOS 10.10 or macOS 10.11, you’ll need to download the alternate installer. This is only available at the resources section on the product page.
  21. New version v1.0.21 Changes below affect Inspirata Personal, Professional and Immersive editions (Fix) Factory presets and user presets opened up with incorrect speaker setup in Inspirata v1.0.20. Factory presets and user presets created with v1.0.19 or earlier are opening up correctly now. User presets created with v1.0.20 can be easily fixed manually by re-selecting the desired speaker setup from the drop-down menu on the SPEAKER SETUP tab. This needs to be done only once. When re-selecting is done, not only the speaker configuration, but the speaker angles will also load up according to the previously saved state. (Fix) The Quadro (4.0) speaker configuration had incorrect speaker azimuth angles, these are now corrected. (Improvement) Reset functions were added to the SPEAKER SETUP and the DIRECTIVITY tabs. On the SPEAKER SETUP tab, the button resets the speaker azimuth angles to the default values, but does not change the chosen speaker configuration. Changes below affect all editions (Fix) Corrected the issue of not loading all rooms when the room loading process was interrupted by adding another folder to the list while Inspirata was still loading from the previous folders. Run Inspired Acoustics Connect
  22. 2/3 - ROUND TWO! YOUR 2nd CODE: LYS2-2999 This is for you! As a special THANK YOU, we decided that this year is also a Leap Year – crazy times, crazy offers. You will receive your 3nd code on March 2 This code will be expired by then! Use this voucher code during checkout! Code expires March 1 - 11:59 PM California Time * VAT will be applied to purchases made in the EU, only if applicable. This voucher code is only valid 1x (once) Choose ONE of our plugins and get it for $29.99, except for the subscription bundles and the products below. Please share this code with your friends! * Products NOT included in this promotion: ADPTR AUDIO Streamliner, bx_console SSL 9000 J, AMEK EQ200, Bettermaker EQ232D, Gig Performer 3, Shadow Hills Class A, dearVR PRO, dearVR MONITOR, Neold BIG AL, Lindell Audio 50 Series, Gallien-Krueger 800RB https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  23. New update: Kleverb v1.0.3 v1.0.3 New preset system, now with support for user presets. macOS binaries supports ARM (M1) CPU natively New minimum macOS version is now macOS 10.10 Updated development framework from JUCE5 to JUCE6
  24. New update: Pipa v1.0.1 v1.0.1 New preset system, now with support for user presets. macOS binaries supports ARM (M1) CPU natively Datafiles are now loaded dynamically from disk which causes less memory footprint Increased number of simultaenous voices for iOS version from 8 to 12 New minimum macOS version is now macOS 10.10 Updated development framework from JUCE5 to JUCE6
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