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Everything posted by EnglandBross

  1. I send an @mail to them ... I hope for a solution ...
  2. that is exactly what I recommend to users in my area ? ?
  3. Math thank you very much, I'll try your council , have you tried to contact Tokyo Down software ? I tried on Studio One and it's works fine , it could be cakewalk issue ? @Noel Borthwick did you know this issue ?
  4. Hi everyone I noticed using TDR Nova (free version) it doesn't work in sidechain mode if you load it into AUX or Buss. Has anyone had the same problem or can anyone check this?
  5. Thanks DeeringAmps I have much appreciate your comment . yea probably electronic music needs a specific users to be appreciate ?
  6. Hello, as a scratch Turnable I used UVI vst
  7. Hello , It-s a mix between Dimension Pro, Rob Papen Go2 (first & second Synth line) , Arturia Moog . as a percussion I 'm used old Cakewalk Library percussion (Sonar X1) Have a great day E
  8. another song with my lovely Synthesiser https://www.bandlab.com/elix_england/spacecraft-120-tribaltronic-8211f242?revId=b75e8998-26d2-ed11-9f73-6045bd31b578
  9. Electronic track using Dimension Pro (why isn't on Instruments just like SI vst ..??) it work very well https://www.bandlab.com/post/72c718ad-72dc-ed11-9f73-6045bd31b578
  10. I have Cwlk installed in two DAW (the first to create and the second to mix/mastering) but so far everything work fine ! am I alone ? thanks
  11. hello , sorry but i don't agree with you ,?there are a several reason to change DAW, and any choice could be the right choice ! anyway ... the minithouch still works on ACT mode but in match ... it's a shame ... slowly slowly I'm migrating by studioOne. Cheers and thanks becouse appart Mc, you are the only interested person who answered my question
  12. Azslow, believe in me ... I tried to set my controller in several mode but only to have back the knob value. I have the x-touch , it's configured in Mackie control and it work very well. but the point is .. to have the value back by plugin .. o better , to avoid to "mach" the knob . in StudioOne it works good, you choice different plugin and the controller is already set to the plugin's value (excellent). Thank for your tips about AzSlow, if it works will be welcome to avoid to change DAW, cakewalk it's so old in specific function ... I feel like the only priority of stuff is to be maintained , but not for a new feature or review the old feature. It'a a shame because cakewalk had/have a great possibility to challenge with the other DAW. cheers
  13. I have a behringer MINI touch , it works with cubase, Protools, Studio one, Mixbuss ...and more, but not with cakewalk. when I change plugin , the controller didn't follow the parameter .. it wait for match the knob... it's so boring !!!
  14. ok , but if I set to JUMP the controller skip immediately ... I might prefer that controller follow the vst value and not vst value skip to value of controller set ... and the problem is that I risk to loose the old vst value paramenter.
  15. Hello everybody, yesterday I was trying Studio One and I noted that when i switch from one plugin to anoter , the controller set itself on a new set parameter of new vst. in cakewalk it need to "match" then knob til the value if you want change the parameter. is it possible to improve teh ACT engine in the way that when Skip to another plugin the controller set itself on new parameter? cheers elix
  16. thanks Grem , was the same thing I was thinking when Listen it on phone speaker but at the end on hiifii it sounds good. much appreciate your comment cheers Elix
  17. Hello everybody this is my Score track for the Sonuscore Contest made exclusively(vst apart) with Cakewalk, using various VST instrument (16&more) it required several tracks in particular 64 CannelStrips, 48 Bus and 101 Plugins. Was not simply to mix this amount of track , but I'm grateful to Cakewalk to avoid crashSystem. (but there are several issue to solve in this new release ?) I share here the link , much appreciate if you express your opinion and would let me know what do you think or what you would have changed. cheers Elix England
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