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Everything posted by EnglandBross

  1. Thanks Colin I tried to use a SSL Knob to give cakewalk a different look in the scale eq on the quad curve I have add a line about +- 3, +- 9 db to have more precision and separate the 4 part Below you can see the new skin about PC76 and PC4
  2. Hy Folks, Today I want to show you our new theme in Cakewalk , what do you think ? have you a new suggested?
  3. hy, I have Kontact player whit " orchestra " - " Guitar Player" and many "Synth" but I haven't any problem with CbB as you? I tryed to work intensive in Rewire with FL without problem or with Waves Tune Plugin but I never looked any problem. do you tryed a clean uninstall of CbB from C.// ... and regedit too ?
  4. Hy Jim , honesty I'm surprised as you ! Recently I tried to translate the tutorial in English but my English is not still perfect ! I tooking lesson to improve my pronunciation and to increase my vocabulary , I hope for September the first Tutorial in English ? Thanks for the support ?
  5. Thanks a lot, I'll try to answer to all I use FL Studio inside Cakewalk with Rewire function. the vocal has been processed by Fl trigger Plugin , in Cakewalk I have add Antares A vox Throat. This song is 8 year old cheers
  6. Mix & Master was done inside Cakewalk with only her plugins https://www.bandlab.com/elix_england/never-say-good-bye-7372e0cb?revId=45698c94-f3af-eb11-85aa-0050f28a50ba ?
  7. Do you want to tell us something ? the adaptive limiter would very appreciated ?
  8. Yesss Yesss Yesssss !!!!!! I knew of is return .. I dreamed it ?
  9. thank you so much @Jim Fogle yes, we work hard to make Cakewalk bB Known in Italy.
  10. 1000 Subscribers on our Channel it's the moment to know who are EnglandBross ?
  11. hello guys Episode 2 : ? I follow my personal question about why the best plugins of Sonar doesn't inside CbB ? the LP - Phase was simply fantastic, it fork very well right now ... how many of us use it on their own project ?
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