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Akira Chen

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About Akira Chen

  • Birthday 10/18/1975

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  1. I had found TTS-1 on https://archive.org/details/TTS-1/Help/Gif/index_e-1.gif. But I do not know how to use it.
  2. http://www.midiox.com/ I had found the one, but I did not know how to work.
  3. I switch to ASIO. It appears the message continues.
  4. Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth The midi file is download from some website. I can play use other app. I did not install special MIDI driver.
  5. I use Windows 11 to edit MIDI tracks and do not use other hardware. But I use VST the sound I can hear. I want to open a MIDI file to play, but I cannot hear the sound. The MIDI driver seems to have a problem it loses the GW synth, but I do not know how to fix this problem.
  6. Yesterday I reinstalled Cakewalk by bandlab. And then I open the midi file and play, I cannot hear any sound. Does anybody know how to solved this problem?
  7. Thank you! I had solved this problem.
  8. After I use space to click the checkbox , my problem is solved. Thanks!
  9. I use export audio , but it appear the error message: The specified selection did not contain any audio data. Please ensure that the selection contains the audio data you wish to bounce.
  10. I had used the space key to switch the check box and then move notes successfully.
  11. I cannot click the checkbox of "Ask This every time". It appear stop icon.
  12. I select notes in staff view and then click right mouse(even use left mouse) to move. But I cannot click the confirm button of the window "Drag and Drop Options" . I must use use tab to switch to confirm button and then click enter.
  13. Ctrl + Select drag notes can copy, but I want to only move notes.
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