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CJ Jacobson

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Everything posted by CJ Jacobson

  1. You have some tools that you can use. Melodyne and audio snap. With Melodyne, you can create a tempo map with it. This might make it 90bpm, instead of 89.893 bpm. With Audio Snap , follow this: This will sync an audio clip to the project tempo 1. Select the audio clip or clips that you want to follow the project tempo. 2. Press 'A' to open the Audio Snap palette. 3. Click and select the 'Clip Follows Project Tempo' button The clip is synchronized to the project’s tempo map. This is just one way, as audio snap has many ways to do things like this
  2. You may have your manual offset set wrong. I would re-profile your audio interface and make sure to try all driver modes to see what works best for you. ASIO driver mode is mostly the best, Also, it could be a plugin effect, if you are using it for recording, as some have hidden buffers and those are not meant for recording, just mixing and mastering.
  3. MIDI tacks are just data. The MIDI tracks are always associated with an audio track that outputs the sound. Otherwise, you get no sound. Now if you have been using instrument tracks for your MIDI, mutes would have worked.
  4. For the silent bus, that means that the master bus has not outputs to any active main outs. Is your audio interface profiled in cakewalk. So the master bus needs to be outputted to the main outs 1/2 of your audio interface. You may need to define your audio interface first, then hook up your MIDI Keyboard to Cakewalk/sonar/DAW
  5. Auto-save doesn't save instantly. Pressing 's" when its key-binded after every edit would have saved it, not auto save. Autosave doesnt save it instantly.
  6. What he said above You should always save every minute or so when doing anything that changes the project. This is what i do, I key-bind the 'SAVE' feature to the letter 'S' and i press it after i make edits. I never wait until the end of a session to save, unless the session is 10 seconds...
  7. Its probably using a different algorithm for playback and rendering. A lot of those types of Time-stretching plugins do that. check the internal settings of the Time-stretch plugin.
  8. Yes those are ways to add effects. also, you can add to buses as well and use the sends from each track to send to a bus with effects on it. This is useful for when you want more than one track to go to the same effect and for parallel compression.. As far as using the 'Process Effect', I would not use it. Why destruct something when you can leave it as non destructive and still get the same results?
  9. Do you have volume envelopes enabled? Its probably that, unless there is a cake-ghost in your project!
  10. What are your import settings set to? It needs to be set to change the sample rate to the sample rate of the project, as you cannot have 2 different sample rates in a project. So maybe that is it, as i'm just guessing as the info is lacking a bit...
  11. If you want to do that, you have 2 choices. You can get a speaker switcher that switches between your studio monitors and PC speakers, if its external speakers and not laptop speakers. note you will still need to turn your audio interface on. I use the Coleman SPK5+1 switchwer. Its great, i can switch between 5 different pairs of speakers and a sub. if you want to use your PC's built in sound card, then you need to enable it and disable your audio interface No, speaker choice has nothing to do with sending project via email. To send music files, i use hightail.com. i can send up to 2 gigs for a small yearly fee. As far as you posting music to a forum for people to hear, you need to publish it and provide links to it, like soundcloud..
  12. Nothing is free. You will pay for it one way or another. Not saying they do this, this is just an example of what can be done: Maybe they are taking your profile info and selling it. Don't worry, you'll pay for it . even if you are unaware of it ?
  13. Does that level work for you? That is your answer.. You can also import a CD in your genre and see their levels. Never do anything by default. The manual knows nothing about your song. If you are red, you are clipping. Never just do what a manual says without using your ears and eyes. Matter of fact, just use your ears and eyes to determine the correct levels. Its the only way to do it.
  14. Never trust, always verify after the final mixdown. This doesn't just go for quantizing .this goes for everything in music and life...
  15. You need to remove them from the vst folder its scanning. if you wan them off your PC, then you need to uninstall them and make sure all paths are uninstalled, including plugin templates.
  16. You are not missing nothing. You can configure it anyway you want. you can choose to have any template loaded or not. You can choose color schemes, or not. In other words, its all up to you on how you want it to look.
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