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Everything posted by DSL

  1. DSL

    Saving audio tracks/stems

    Thankyou I'll give it a go!
  2. DSL

    Saving audio tracks/stems

    Hi there, Please can somebody tell me if I can save an audio track, separate to a mix/project? I would like to be able to save some individual vocal tracks from a project I'm currently working on, without having to bounce via the Master bus (i.e. save the raw stem). Also I would want to keep them as mono tracks. If it's not possible I would still like to know that, so that I can think of another approach. Thanks
  3. DSL

    midi slippage

    Thanks that helped. ASIO is selected.
  4. DSL

    midi slippage

    What I mean is the track outputs default to the Mbox after importing the midi files, but I will only want one or two of the tracks to route to external synths. For the rest I want TTS-1 to provide suitable voices, and SI-1 the drums. I'm pretty new to DAWs but not midi. My synths are a bit old but they still work well.
  5. DSL

    midi slippage

    I'm using an MBox2. sorry I don't understand the driver mode question.
  6. DSL

    midi slippage

    Hi there, I write music on crescendo, then import the midi files into cakewalk. The outputs default to my interface. When I start assigning the outputs to TTS-1 the midi seems to go 'out of sync'. I am currently curing this by highlighting a track and then dragging it until it sounds in sync with other tracks, but it's a real pain. Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong, or if there's a better/quicker fix? Thanks
  7. DSL

    I'm stuck with MIDI

    Thankyou all, I got there in the end!
  8. DSL

    Master bus

    You have been a real help my friend! Thankyou so much.?
  9. DSL

    Master bus

    I'm probably being thick but I can't see it. I inserted a bus, I can send to it (Bus A) but it isn't visible so not very helpful. What am I doing wrong?
  10. DSL

    Master bus

    Thanks to everybody who replied to my earlier posts, I was having a horrible time of it but now feel pretty happy! One last question if I dare: There is no Master bus showing on my project, not in Console view or anywhere else; and at some point I will want to do a stereo mix. I can't find an option to insert or display a Master. This is almost certainly a real noob question but how do you show/create a master bus? I just expected to see one once I was in console view...
  11. DSL

    cakewalk not recording audio!

    Brilliant! That did the trick, thankyou so much!!!
  12. Firstly, thanks to everyone who helped me sort out my MIDI problems. Now I have the external synths being driven by the midi ok, but guess what? Every time I connect the synth audio output to a new audio track, or try to record a vocal track the damn thing just locks up! I also realised that there is no master bus to send the audio to. It's been a frustrating afternoon... I am totally new to Cakewalk and digital recording, and that's making it difficult to work out what I'm doing wrong. So in case it helps, here is my setup: 1x HP 64 bit computer running windows 10 Borrowed MBox2 interface 2x Kawai synths (that I've had for ever...) 1 x Behringer condenser mic I just don't know if the problem is cakewalk, hardware or me. Any help appreciated...
  13. DSL

    I'm stuck with MIDI

    Thankyou that helped some. What I really want to do is use some internal sounds (eg drums) and some external from a synth. I can't see how to do that. I know that I must sound like a complete idiot. I understand MIDI well enough, I just don't understand Cakewalk yet. I tried to route the midi from track 3 to my synth, which worked after a fashion, but when I tried to record an audio track of the synth (using the midi from Cakewalk) it just got stuck. I must be sending conflicting midi data within Cakewalk but I can't for the life of me see how. There is no midi out connected from the synth, only midi in to the synth. Also the synth was playing out of time with the rest, which doesn't seem possible! My head hurts from trying to figure this out! Thankyou for replying, and if you can see what I'm doing wrong please give me a shout.
  14. DSL

    Cakewalk transport display

    The transport display in Cakewalk appears to be 'stuck', ie not moving in play mode and the bar count not updating. The audio is playing. I have a nasty feeling it's something I've accidentally clicked or something. Does anyone know what I've done and how to reset it?
  15. DSL

    I'm stuck with MIDI

    Cakewalk seems a really great programme but I'm getting nowhere fast! I write songs on a programme called Crescendo, and this allows the export of midi files. I would like to import these midi files into cakewalk and then record some vocals. However, I just can't seem to get this right. I've watched a bunch of videos but nobody is doing what I'm trying to do. I've managed to get some files to upload but they don't play anything. I realise I need to assign them to something but there just doesn't seem to be that option anywhere. Please can somebody help?
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