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Everything posted by Skelm
Yes, there is a crash dump - thanks for the suggestions, I will try the Windbg tool. @Promidi - I will check that as well. What I find strange is that opening the project in safe mode but not disabling any plugins lets me open the file without a crash, but opening it normally causes a crash each time.
Update: If I open the project in safe mode and choose to load each plugin in turn, the project opens, but if I choose load all or open the project normally, it crashes.
Hi, something has gone very wrong with one particular project. I can no longer open it without Cakewalk crashing. I have at least 10 versions of the track backed up and they all have started to crash. I thought I had found the problem plugin by opening in safe mode and removing the plugins one by one until Cakewalk opened without crashing, and played back fine (obviously without the removed plugin), but re-saving the project hasn't fixed the issue (I re-saved the project without the plugin that caused the crash). Opening that saved project again causes another crash, which doesn't make a lot of sense. Running Cakewalk by Bandlab on Windows 10. Other projects appear fine. Any help appreciated! Thanks.
Hi, I am trying to match the quality of groove clips with the preview quality from the media bay when choosing to preview in project tempo. It is mostly fine but occasionally a percussion loop will sound fine when auditioning but after dragging it into the project and groove clip looping it, the quality will be quite a bit worse. I have changed the time-stretch algorithms to the same for offline and online processing but that hasn't made a difference, so I assume groove clip loops do not adhere to this setting. Is there a way to use groove clip loops but with the stretch quality applied in the real time preview? Thanks.
Thanks for the replies - I am not having system issues as such, just looking for a tool to identify CPU usage of plugins in a project. My dropout question was answered by David - in my situation I will need to make sure there are no late buffers as I don't render offline, I mix to stereo from a mixing desk. Thanks again!
Hi, A recent plugin update appears to have pushed my CPU usage up to the point where I am having to keep an eye on the performance module for the first time (not 100% sure which plugin, but I suspect NI Kontakt's usage has increased by a fair amount). I noticed in the manual that a few late buffers should not cause a glitch - quote: "Note: It's OK to have a few sporadic late buffers during playback since it will not result in audible glitches." To the question - does anyone know how many late buffers should cause concern? I had a track generate 3 late buffers which I did not hear cause glitches, but I would prefer not to miss something and then hear it after mastering the track. As a side question, is there any way of monitoring plugin CPU usage so I can track down the CPU hog? Thanks.
Hi, How are you finding the performance on Parallels/Mac? Is it a realistic replacement for a native Windows PC? Thanks.
Thanks for all the responses. I do make sure all devices are switched on before launching Cake, and it mostly works fine, but every 5th or 6th time I open it I will have this issue. I'll try and get in the habit of checking that the correct ports are assigned to the control surface as part of the studio "switch-on", sounds like that is the best way to go. Appreciate the input!
Hi, Not a new issue, but it seems to be affecting me more often recently. I'll open Cakewalk & a project, hit Play on my Komplete Kontrol keyboard which is configured as a control surface, and nothing will happen. Checking in Preferences, the In or Out port will have moved one "slot" up or down, leaving the incorrect port selected. I'll change the port to the correct port and everything will be fine, until the next time I switch the PC on. Is there a way to lock these devices in place so that this order does not change unless I specifically want to change it? Thanks.
Where does Cakewalk store the list of active plugins?
Skelm replied to Skelm's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks for the responses - I will compare the registry key from my backup to the current one and hopefully determine which plugins were removed. -
Hi, Does Cakewalk store the active list of plugins in the registry or a text file, or anywhere else accessible? I installed a new plugin (Roli Studio Player) and after scanning, Cakewalk had found 2 new plugins but also removed 23 other plugins. It doesn't appear to have removed any of my main plugins, but I don't want to be surprised in a session when I open a track and some plugins are not available, so I would like to check what was deleted and re-install if necessary. I could restore from backup but that is quite time consuming, so hopefully there is some other way I can access this list to make sure nothing critical was removed. I will leave logging on in future just in case this happens again, but it unfortunately was switched off when this happened. Thanks for any assistance.
This is the odd thing, LatencyMon comes back with the "Your system appears to be suitable for realtime processing" (or something similar) message. Although I did not run Cakewalk in the background, only the LatencyMon app as per their website.
Thanks for this - I am not seeing a code, as the audio engine does not stop, there is just a short interruption in playback. Not sure why it isn't stopping playback as that article implies should be happening.
Hi, changing the interface isn't really an option - it is also my mixing desk. Where do I check the dropout code?
Hi, No video card, I am using the internal graphics of the CPU. Could this be the issue?
Thanks for the response - this was a fresh Windows 10 installation, with Windows 10 drivers for everything including motherboard & components, MIDI interface, and audio interface. It doesn't matter what size the project is, opening a plug-in interface from anywhere (mixer, track, synth view) causes a dropout. It's more annoying than anything else, but I would like to resolve it as Ableton Live doesn't do this at all on the same Windows 10 installation, at the same latency.
Hi, I recently moved from Windows 7 to Windows 10, as I appeared to be getting left behind in terms of security updates etc. I am using the same hardware (Core i7, 24GB RAM, Yamaha 01v96i mixer as an interface). When a track is playing, opening any plug-in's interface causes a short dropout in playback, which never used to happen before - I could open any and all plug-in windows and Cakewalk would continue to play back without problems. I have tried earlier drivers for the Yamaha, but the problem remains. Booting back into Windows 7 and it is as solid as ever at the same latency settings. I am not sure what is causing this, and would much rather not move back to Windows 7 to get rid of this. Anyone have any idea why this would happen? Thanks.
Hi, I allowed Cakewalk to update to the latest version (2019 - 11 IIRC). When I started Cakewalk after the update, it refused to start, claiming MFC6.dll was missing (this might not be the exact file name). I did some searching, but gave up and restored my system to prior to the update, and Cake worked fine again (the older version). But, when scanning my VSTs, it removed 18 plugins without warning, and without me knowing what those plugins were. So my questions are: a) What is the missing DLL that Cake wants to see after the update? Where would I find this file? b) How can I find out which plugins were removed? I know there is a log, but it has to be enabled prior to the scan, which I obviously did not do. I would appreciate any answers to these questions, thank you.
Thanks John, You're right, it is a bit of a PITA ?I think I will hold off updating , I seem to have used this plugin in dozens of projects. Terry
Hi, I bought Scaler by PluginBoutique, which is a nice chord progression assistance plugin. After upgrading to the newest version, 1.8, all projects containing the plugin report the plugin as missing. It is possible to re-insert the plugin, but all settings are obviously lost, as Cakewalk sees the updated version as a new plugin. I have been back and forth with Scaler support about this, and they can reproduce the problem, but they insist it is an issue with Cakewalk, and not Scaler. I have never had an issue like this with Cakewalk before, but I cannot say for sure where the problem lies. If anyone knows a workaround, or can say definitively the issue is with Scaler or Cakewalk, that would be great. As it stands now, I either upgrade Scaler and deal with dozens of broken projects, or I stay on the old version and don't get the new features. Here is the thread on the Scaler forum for anyone who has a similar issue - it doesn't look promising for Cakewalk users. https://forum.scalerplugin.com/t/updates-break-existing-projects-with-scaler/1121/25 Regards, Terry
I'm getting the same thing. It doesn't look like it is going to be fixed either, the devs say it only happens in Cakewalk and they don't know why. So either don't upgrade or prepare for lots of "missing plugin" messages.