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Everything posted by simon

  1. I got signal earlier in the year in a NI sale and paid £89 for it - so I don't think the current deal is that good. It's less than 4 weeks until christmas - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a BF round 2 - and more work for @cclarry
  2. mine was £512 - I have "movement" that I got in a focusrite/novation freebie deal and Signal. Not nearly low enough to tempt me and not much of a discount for Signal - I think I only want portal anyway so I'm glad I wasn't tempted
  3. it's saving you a fortune BTW that "NEW" text in red is really really helpful too - genius idea
  4. I have it open in a tab - very useful and thank you so much for maintaining it
  5. updated to 6.11.10. 2260 release notes show minor fix
  6. just had an email with an offer for existing customers $13 for the whole lot $9 for just this years
  7. It's a good price for that IMO - bought it myself if that's any recommendation
  8. absolute is a suite of products: https://new.steinberg.net/absolute/ Halion 6 and SE Groove Agent The Grand Padshop Retrolgue various packs for halion and groove agent Basically VST instruments - should work fine with Cubase Artist
  9. excellent - Absolute is on my "hit list" a link would be handy is that direct from SB ?
  10. no personal vouchers next month IIRC
  11. if only there was a deal on adaptiverb !
  12. BF50-off-99 the SSL stuff is quite good IMO and yes PA are good quality plugs
  13. totally meh on this can't find anything I want to use that free 50$ voucher on (min spend $100) yet more money saved
  14. https://insessionaudio.com/ various deals including shimmer shake strike with expansion
  15. https://samplesfrommars.com/products/all-products-from-mars
  16. at last - the HorNET sale BF can finally begin
  17. thanks Matthew - very helpful indeed ? PS I bought SA BDT on your recommendation - hope it's good or there is gonna be trouble ? ?
  18. this has gone live Up to 50% off Runs just 4 days Closes Mon 2nd Dec 23:59 PST Conformalizer - $359 Envy - $273 Slapper2 - $293 Slapper2 ST - $99 Spanner - $179 Stemcell - $99
  19. seems a bit stingy that deal - was holding out for a discount on their higher end products oh well, best think of it as money saved
  20. yes - it's a bit confusing as they say "Waves Retail price " - but as we all know the full "Waves Retail price" is normally around the price of a Lear Jet,.....or thereabouts. they really mean "the price if you bought from waves today including the BF50 code" NOT the "everyplugin price" - in reality not necessarily much difference. Confused me at first but then again I'm easily confused ?
  21. all totally valid points - but it's nearly payday and you can get some fantastic plugins starting at $13 - you deserve it have a browse though the list - trust me, you won't be strong enough to resist ?
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