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Everything posted by simon

  1. free if you have a (free) account www.soundonsound.com Did I mention it was free ?
  2. In previous years I've used the vouchers to upgrade the various 'elements' plugins to the full versions for either free or just a couple of £ For those with more money to burn Halo upmix/downmix , SEQ-S/ST, ISL are all great products - and the $100 voucher is pretty generous considering it's essentially a 'no minimum spend' policy. As you mention, Nugen tend to be geared towards the Post Production industry (with pricing to match) - but lots of the stuff works great for music mixing too. PLUS - they are a really small developer, not one of the big multinational (PA/IKM) types and I always feel better supporting that type of operation.
  3. I don't think they will email PA with a list - they can't be sure what my PA email address is, for example. The serial definitely seemed to do a 'phone home' when it activated so it's possible they could limit the number of activations - I asked the question so let's see. There is no background 'activation manager' running. Having said that I see no specific reason to actually upgrade - although it's possible there are some fixes that aren't documented. The only negative (in my view) is yet another online account you need to open - and another vendor to check for updates etc...although PA aren't good at notifying when updates occur so might actually be better ?
  4. sorry, I assumed it was more than just not liking Stereoizer as you said. If you are careful with what you put in your basket you can get ABAssist / Jotter and something like Sigmod for free or for just a couple of $ Sigmod is a pretty useful utility plug (IMO) - I use it all the time. actually Aligner is another useful freebie utility - again I assume you haven't used it. Personally I don't find it useful just chiming in on deals threads with negative quips without explain why, even more so if you haven't used the product.
  5. you're obviously not a Nugen fan . Which of their plugins have you used that has led to to dislike them so much ? I've quite a few of their plugs and think they are pretty good. The $100/£74 voucher is pretty good too - means you can pick up some plugins for free or pocket money prices. The minimum spend is simply the voucher amount so you can't really say fairer than that.
  6. yes, but if you follow the link it says: "Currently, this plug-in is only available for customers who complete NUGEN Audio’s annual customer survey, which closes on February 17th. You can find the survey <HERE> " if you click on the link then it says: "This survey has now closed. We are busy analysing the results. Many thanks to all those who have taken part" It's not entirely clear to me how to get the plugin ?
  7. as per my reply earlier - there doesn't seem to be one. It's a simple serial number I don't know how many authorisations you're allowed. It doesn't remove the licence from your PA account - so I assume it would be simple enough to reinstall that version if you wanted to. I can't see a reason not to get the licence, even if you don't use it immediately. EDIT FWIW I emailed support to find answers to some of the other questions - I'll report back if I get a reply
  8. that seems to be from the 2022 survey ?
  9. I think your link got corrupted when you pasted it in
  10. reporting back the DearVR version overwrites the PA version (on windows/vst3 at least) - means that old projects should load with this version. There doesn't seem to be a licence manager - it's a serial you put into the plugin which authenticates over the internet (dunno how this works if offline ?) still not sure how many authorisations you get ? shrug ?
  11. you need to install their 'licence manager' too. Will this overwrite the PA plugin or load DAW projects that have the PA version installed ? will you get the same number of activations that PA allow ? none of the other products mention anything about it ? same here - seem to be keeping it a bit quiet. yes - and it's noticeable that you need to provide your own proof of purchase to transfer - PA obviously aren't willing to help by posting people a transfer code direct. a bit of a mess IMO
  12. yes, that got my hopes up too - oh well I'll pick this up when I get to V Collection 10
  13. I'll double check tomorrow which one I got and report back - but there was definitely a new cabinet and I'm sure it was a 4 x 12 with the EV Darkness speaker.
  14. I have everything Arturia and this is 49 euro for me - which just slips over the 'no -brainer' bar - so I'm waiting too
  15. odd, maybe I got the model wrong (I'm not in front of my audio PC) - what does it say is enabled when you select 'mesa collections' in the 'cabinet' section if you got the same group buy as me then you should have all of the Mesa V1 cabs plus one of the V2 'should' now be enabled ?
  16. it's one of the 4 x 12 Roadking cabs (black OR vintage - can't remember which one) if you sort by 'collection' you'll find it in the Mesa boogie v2 collection
  17. ? haven't had chance yet, but I'll report back when I do. I'm fairly sure all my freebies have been added to "My Products", but as you say, there might be another, secret ( ) list of licences somewhere else
  18. there are 2 different MESA Boogie collections - you got V1 with the group buy but not V2 which came out later. the IIC+ looks like it's part of the V2 collection. ALTHOUGH, I did the survey and nothing was added to my account ?
  19. I think you can download libraries via your UVI account page ? (I'm too lazy to check!)
  20. this is very sad - he really was an incredible guitarist. Unlike most of us, he just seemed to get better and better as he aged.
  21. thanks - odd, as I normally get an email when stuff is updated ? although we all know you are about 12 hours ahead
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