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  1. I use the FP16 and it works good in Sonar. Hold down the first two select buttons at the same time then power the unit on. It will display your settings menu at the top right. From there choose Control MCU then select MCU(SONAR), Then select EXIT RESTART FADERPORT. The next step is to go into Sonar and open up your settings. Preferences/Control Surfaces and click the yellow ADD NEW CONTROLLER/SURFACE button at the top right. For the first 8 faders select Mackie Control and select Presonus FP16 for your Input Port & Output Port, then add the other 8 faders by using the same steps, but select Mackie Control XT on this one. You can chose what colors you want them to be. I personally use all red for mine. Now you just apply/save then exit out of Sonar and open it up again and you should be ready to go. I also did some custom settings to mine as well like lowering the fader sensitivity, I think I lowered mine to 3 and I also did some custom settings in the ACT controller/properties menu. You might want to take a pic of your defaults before playing around with customizing your settings in there. Hope this helps you out Bapu.
  2. I had the same problem for the past couple of months with the same interface as yours(Presonus FireStudio Project). I couldn't do much because I was busy with sessions and was afraid of messing everything up, but I did do a lot of the stuff folks posted on here and other sites. After searching the web and this forum I still like you couldn't figure it out and was in the mindset that it had to be the drivers for my interface, but then I recalled that it started right after I installed a new camera and streaming software for my recording studio's website(because of covid I was going to do a lot over the web). So, I went into my Windows10 Settings/System/Sound/Manage Sound Devices and from there I seen that the streaming software I had installed a few months back was enabled on both input and output, So I disabled them and closed out of my settings and opened up Cakewalk and opened up a session and it worked just fine(Didn't have to fight with adjusting the buffet size a hundred times to get it to work right) and of course it started doing the same thing again a few days late, So at this point I'm just going to have to deal with it until there is a fix....
  3. Congratulations Cakewalk 2019 NAMM!! Hope to see some more nice updates as well as plugins & add-ons in 2019.... P.S. Send me one of those awesome T's ? Cakewalk user since 2005...
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