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Everything posted by artturner

  1. And next December, Luminar AI will be replaced by Luminar AI Plus or the like.
  2. Been watching this in development, he really provided a quality product for that price!
  3. I appreciate the fact he put them all in one place.
  4. Art, we want to reward you for being loyal to us. That is why we decided to give to our audience a brand new sound pack for FREE! This pack contains 10 cinematic drones designed to inspire your next music composition. They are all made from organic tones and synthesizer sounds that we collected over the years. Click the link below to access the pack now! DOWNLOAD Black Friday Sale Lowest price in history. 50% OFF across all store until December 1st. (No discount code needed). If you wanted to get your hands on Instinct Trailer Sound Effects or Prism Modern Modern Pop Drums, now is your chance! CHECKOUT DEALS
  5. Yeah, that's kind of my point. I know there must be something specific to me, and I don't have the time or enough motivation to trace it.
  6. I keep wanting to love Studio One. I've kept it updated. But it always gives me an edge of distortion on the sound when I try to use Izotope mastering plugins. I know this isn't the forum for this, but thought I'd throw it out there in case any one else has heard of it. Every update I go try it again, and then go back to cubase because getting a straight answer on the internet is no longer possible in my opinion (except for you guys of course). But it shore is purty.
  7. THIS WEEKEND ONLY GRAB EACH RIFFENDIUM TITLE WITH A 50% DISCOUNT USE THE COUPON RIFFENDIUMWEEKEND AT THE LAST CHECKOUT PAGE https://audiofier.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=533e531733c4b7021d3aeb876&id=eb8056a79d&e=2c62f703b0
  8. I dropped the Neoverb trial into my workflow and quickly fell in love. So I upgraded to MPS4 tonight. I now have all-access at Groove 3 until 9/22/22. Wonder if that's enough time for me to actually go watch some tutorials?
  9. Oh I totally agree, just thought I would pick it up at $16 while I ruminate about Neoverb vs MPS4
  10. Dang it! I didn't know MReverbMB was a time-limited deal. It's showing $54 for me now.
  11. They just updated to allow user sample import. That's huge in my opinion. Although I had already purchased.
  12. This thread should go on my wall as a reminder to never, never, never buy anything even at half price. Thanks, ujam, for making my purchase a waste of hard-earned money!
  13. Well you should know, you just participated in it.
  14. Any Shadow Hills fans here? I've been hearing good things about the mastering compressor, but the class A is excluded from this sale. Is the class A enough of an upgrade over the regular to wait for it? Thx.
  15. I have APD$295.99--where did I use an APD penny?
  16. @Dave Maffris As far as I know, Presonus accepts the "due diligence" of the retailer. Steinberg is the only really picky one I've run across. Educational also means teaching too, which is how I qualify.
  17. I guess that's where the intelligence part comes in.
  18. And owners of Cinemorphx or Morphestra, or Red Room Audio Palette Orchestral should get an additional $50 off coupon in their email.
  19. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1448944-REG/samsung_mz_76q1t0b_am_1tb_860_qvo_sata.html 24-hours only ending 7/8 @ midnight EDT
  20. Remember, successful composers make smart choices.
  21. IT: *thinks "Glad management didn't ask about the registration servers!"
  22. My box still has a spinning icon, but I already got an email thanking me for registering 5
  23. Same here, although I noticed I had an Artist license in my account in addition to the Pro. Wonder if that's what the problem is. But, like you say, no form is provided to answer the prompt.
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