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Everything posted by artturner

  1. This is going to make it hard to spend $50 on content packs for F.'em.
  2. In the email they sent Friday. Technically, they're new snapshots.
  3. That's odd. I also was unable to purchase when signed into my existing account. However, when I signed out and created a new account, I could search for "blockbuster" and choose the product and check out (commercial) for $4.99. https://producerplanet.com/us/search/?query=blockbuster&area=audio EDIT: Probably because I already owned it! It's part of the Score Collection I bought about a year ago. Fooled them, now I have two! ?
  4. Upgrade to SubLab XL $20 if you bought Sublab from FAW https://futureaudioworkshop.com/
  5. artturner

    smart:comp 2

    Where is it $24.16? EDIT: NVM, I just logged in and saw $24.16 instead of the $29 I first saw.
  6. I remember seriously considering Continuum Guitars when it intro'd at $249 a year ago. Much happier to grab it at $63 today.
  7. Would love to pick this up but I'm not seeing the deal
  8. If they're going to do deals like this, it makes the $29 forever plan too expensive.
  9. Worked for me in the cart, brought it to $54.99. But for the the money I'd probably rather have the new Baby Audio Crystalline.
  10. I was expecting free, so I'm not cool with $29 yet.
  11. Definitely more subtle than I was expecting. Also the latency eliminates the ability to use it with live playing.
  12. Now my $49 price seems expensive. But for those of you who found it awesome, I'm happy for you.
  13. I purchased this right away and it's everything I thought it would be. I've particularly enjoyed auditioning the pads and also pairing it up with a recent innovative cello library along with some Blackhole reverb. It's really well done and lives up to the Emergence name and tag line.
  14. Which Mosaics are must-have? Or which Mosaics are "don't bother?"
  15. You can also leave them on the grid and use negative track delay. https://vi-control.net/community/threads/negative-track-delay-database-spreadsheet.105332/
  16. I'm not sure I've committed to any DAW since Cakewalk. I almost never use Cakewalk any more, probably use Cubase the most. Ableton is quickest from idea to something recorded. I like the look of Studio One, but meh on the rest of it.
  17. Happy to see the LO-FI-AF, but unfortunately I already used my Dec loyalty voucher.
  18. Any more info on this soundset...kind of a pig in a poke for $30.
  19. Maybe spend less time on marketing copy and more time on researching the proposed name ...?
  20. I didn't see enough unique selling proposition to pre-order. What they described in the video is basically buying synths and only using the presets. Which may or may not be how I use most of my synths.
  21. Wat? There's an Ethera I don't have ? Edit: It was released 5 years ago, before I joined the Ethera ecosystem.
  22. It's stated on the page @cclarry linked, but be aware there's an additional cost if you want to go to soundscapes 2.0.
  23. I had successfully closed all of my Mixcraft windows until ya'll said this.
  24. Yes, I'm still waiting as well. Here's what 8dio said:
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