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Everything posted by Starise

  1. Spitfire GUI. Looks as if we can change the key switch if wanted.
  2. Matthew, I I'll look into it some more. See my attached pic. I set it as EO . EO is the designation in BBCSO CORE so possibly the mappings are different.
  3. Thanks Matthew. Yeah the defaults are pretty consistent across the range of instruments with a few exceptions. I haven't run these mappings through the paces to any detail yet. I know the key switches are all correct. Might need to look at the switching methods used. BBCSO Professional might have a few more compared to CORE but I thought it was mostly mic positions you gained.
  4. I made an articulation Map for BBCSO CORE HERE. This would go into your Cakewalk CORE articulation maps folder or you might be able to import it by finding your download location. All key positions are mapped and designated. Some of the instruments carry common keys witches. Others do not. If it needs tweaks let me know. Switching designations in Cakewalk articulations should control these instruments. The articulations were the same across all strings so I made just one map for those. Same with some of the brass. In any case where maps were the same , I made maps that should cover all those instruments.
  5. True. I sat down last evening to write the maps myself and about and hour and a half into it Cakewalk locked up on me. I lost all of it. I might attempt it again today later. Just so you know, the articulations are the same for all the strings, so you can simply reuse that template over all of them. Similar thing with the brass. All but I think the last few are the exact same map. The lower brass omits a few of the articulations. That's as far I as I got before the crash. It was past midnight by then and I gave up. I have a question though. I was only writing the key assignment to the map. Should anything else be changed? I think the default is CC.
  6. I use Magix Vegas and Movie Maker for my smaller projects.
  7. You are a very talented guitarist .I enjoyed your work. The video was excellent! Thanks for sharing. Good message and music here! Some people use Cakewalk for video work. I have not had very good luck using only Cakewalk and use other programs for video. I don't often make videos. I mostly make only basic things so my video programs are basic.
  8. Thank you for comments on this. May I ask what you're listening on? Just a brief explanation of my signal chain for drums. I rolled off anything below 40hz (slope) or it would eat up my overall signal. I EQ notched out the muddy mids at 250-500 but nothing more than a few db. I added Boz Bark Of Dog 2 on bass channels and boosted the bass in the "thump ranges with it. I'm using a very high quality reverb with a hall setting. Lows rolled off on reverb. I am side chaining into the Cakewalk master compressor at 100hz or under. I have it set low so the needle is barely moving. I am sending anything bass to that side chain. For master I am using Fabfilter to roll off lows below 30hz.>McDSP 4L4000 and following it up with a small amount of peak limiting at the end. Once again I'm keeping things less muddy using that plugin. I haven't cut any bass above 50hz. Open to suggestions. Thank you for bringing this tyo my attention! No midi programming here other than sliding the odd note here and there.. I must be a very exact player ? The only thing mechanical is I'm using the free Big Bang orchestra in the synchron player for only the low strings and brass. The synchron player still requires a person to "play" it. None of the runs in sychron are automated all hand played. But maybe that's what you hear. Drums are Sampletank 4 hand played. Violins are played in with Amadeus. Horns are SONiVox hand played. Thank you!
  9. I just picked up BBCSO CORE. I will probably not be inclined to load an entire 55 plus template and will instead be using sectionals catered to. I would like to have all articulations on hand just in case. Shouldn't this be easier using the new articulations manager? I wondered if anyone else has already done a per section setup? If not and I can find the time, I'll be looking at this. Would be super nice to drop in a section and simply pull the associated articulation off of the list. A real time saver. Thoughts?
  10. This track is a Frankenstein of sorts. It wasn't made using only one large orchestral sample library. I used a little bit of almost everything. I have some Vienna synchron player, some Sampletank, some Sonivox, I loose track of what all else. It's a real hodge podge but it was fun to make. I was thinking movie cinematic when I made it today. Comments welcome from all, especially from those who might have made music for film. Thanks.
  11. I liked all the low end on this. For something supposed to be centered around winter I was referencing more similar tracks I have heard. I didn't think it sounded anything like any of those. It sounded good though and would fit this subject.
  12. Hi David, Very nice music. I didn't hear anything overt around that place. If it was there it was very small. Maybe a tiny little pop. I would have to listen a few more times to be sure I heard it frankly. Great mix of instrument choices, Would fit an NPR slot nicely.
  13. Thank you guys much appreciate your views of the music and mix. I've been trying harder on the mastering end lately.
  14. Merry Christmas from the countryside of Lancaster County Pennsylvania.............right down the road from cclarry though we have never met. It has been an amazing plugin year ( one has to look on the bright side). Great forum. Great people . ?
  15. Thank you Douglas and Lynn. I hope you have a nice Christmas!
  16. The title of the music is figurative to reality. I hopefully see the "mist" rising on 2021 so far as the pandemic is concerned. On a deeper level, men see now as through a mist. One day men will know as they are known. Not all men. Hopefully most men. The mix was a little more complex on this one with lots of plugins, routing, automation etc. Due to the genre I didn't want the mix too up front. More like evenly balanced and not harsh with a lush space. Made 100% in Cakewalk using various VST instruments and plugins.
  17. Starise

    Milo !

    I'm sure Milo likes this one.........and the rest of us too. You've still got it Kenny. In fact In think it's getting better.
  18. Starise

    Christmas song

    Nice job Makke. I like that relaxing electric guitar.
  19. Starise

    Peace Be Still

    Thank you for comments and listening! Agreed John B. Thank you. Thank you Kurt. The guitars are Sampletank 4 and the flute is Celtic Whistles .V2 Thanks for comments.
  20. This is a timely thread. I was working on a recent project and needed a bass. I have some pretty hard hitting basses like MODO bass. Since the project was getting heavy on my cpu I used a Dimension Pro bass patch thinking I would later swap it out. Turns out the dimension pro bass sounded better in that mix. I like to use Z3TA+2 locked/synced to other synth tracks when I'm working on those types of genre. In that capacity it's really tough to beat. I can usually get some great things happening pretty quickly using the existing patches in it.
  21. Starise

    Peace Be Still

    Very basic construction instrumentally. Guitar and flute.
  22. Almost a magical feel to this. Like a daydream. I loved the flutes and percussion!
  23. Keep at this. Coming along nicely.
  24. Starise


    Top notch in every was HS! Thanks for sharing!!
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