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Everything posted by ManuelGuerrero

  1. Thank you very much. That was really helpful. I have TTS-1 working!! The trick was to execute the command from Power Shell, not from the standard Command Prompt. BTW: the new Cakewalk Sonar also automatically launches TTS-1 and assigns the tracks when opening a MIDI file from File Explorer. Long Live TTS-1!
  2. That is not really helpful. Could you please tell me of a healthy modern technology VSTi GM player that is automatically inserted on Cakewalk when opening a MIDI file, and assigns all the tracks to it?
  3. 2025. I have replaced my old computer that I have been using for ages. TTS-1 doesn't work on the new computer. Neither on Cakewalk Bandlab or on the registered version of Cakewalk Sonar. I have tried the suggested solution (copy Shared DXi\TTS-1 contents and edit registry) but I gen an error. Is there any other way to activate it? I have many projects using TTS-1 I also work a lot with GM files. It is very convenient to open them on Cakewalk (from File Explorer) because it automatically inserts TTS-1 and assigns all the tracks to it. Alternatively, if there is really no way to recover TTS-1, is there a way to install a GM player that is automatically opened and assigns all the tracks when double click on a .MID file from File Explorer? p.s.: I never had any issue with TTS-1, and I have been using it intensively since it was released, until this week on the new computer.
  4. I have purchased Sonar for $99. Thank you. I've been a faithful user of all versions since the Twelve Tone System MS-DOS MIDI Sequencer in a floppy disk, MIDI-synced to a tape track. (yes, I'm that old😅) It is not cool getting the $71 popup after the offer has expired, though. It is like putting a candy close to your mouth, and then take it away 😞
  5. When I open Bandlab I get an offer of Sonar for $71, but when I follow the link, the only offer is for 149,50. How does this work? I am willing to pay 71, but not 149.
  6. Where are these cute little icons? I used to navigate fast by clicking over the familiar icons, even without my glasses. Now I have to read the texts until I find what I want. Is there an option to activate them?
  7. I've just installed Cakewalk Sonar. There were 3 subscription options: 3-day-trial, monthly payment, and yearly payment with a discount. I have chosen the 3-day-trial and entered my PayPal account data. Once the 3-days expire, how can I move to the one year subscription? I do not see any option at my membership page. Where is the online public information of the prices? I cannot find it. At my subscription page it says: "Price after: $14.95 + tax". How can I know how the final price? I do not live in the USA, I don't know how much is the tax or if I have to pay it. Will I be able to use Cakewalk Bandlab at both my desktop and my laptop? I've heard that there is a promotion for "brand new users". Is there any promotion for long-time users? I have been continuously using Cakewalk since the Twelve Tone MIDI sequencer for MS-DOS in 1988. Would I get that promotion if I create a new account with another email address? (I have not uploaded any contents to Bandlab, so that doesn't bother me)
  8. I am building a Surface Controller based on Arduino. I want to start recording pressing one single button, not two, but at the ACT learn mode the Record function is always set as "Shift + B3". How can I activate the Record function without shift; with one single CC? Having to simultaneously press two buttons to record is a thing of the past, since it was a disaster to accidentally over-write a tape. But it doesn't make sense with a DAW. I always use the shortcut "R " at the computer keyboard, and I want to use one single button at the Surface Controller or at the MIDI pedalboard
  9. Thank you! I already tried right click, but I did it over a node ?
  10. Dragging the mouse is not very precise, and it also displaces the tempo left/right accidentally. Is there a way to specify a numeric value?
  11. Temp sync for this project finished! ? After many Ctrl/Alt/Del, I think that it is crashing only when I drag a clip that is right after a measure change. I had to manually adjust the tempo at the measure following a measure change, then drag the next measure, and it didn't crash BTW, the song is Genesis "Firth by Fifth". The tracks are from karaoke-version.com. It is a great version that perfectly matches the tempo of Genesis studio recording, beat by beat. I will use it as a base to record our own. This is how the tempo looks now: Thank you for all the helpful suggestions.
  12. The clips have audio transients, though BTW. Today the behavior is different. I have opened the bundle file, the same one that I posted yesterday. On a first attempt, Cakewalk was frozen after dragging that 3 measures clip to Ruler, with the message "Analyzing Audio". I had to terminate the task with Ctrl/Alt/Del On a second attempt, it has correctly generated the tempo! I keep working on it, with the following measures, but it crashes too often
  13. Not in an earlier release, It is happening now, with the latest release. Sometimes it fails, sometimes it is OK, as you can see at the video that I have posted above. With the same clip, at the first attempt Cakewalk crashes, and at the second attempt it successfully generates the tempo changes. And sometimes it doesn't generate any tempo change.
  14. I've made an experiment: The project has 18 audio tracks. I have deleted them all except the click and the drums tracks (I can add them later). So far it has not frozen, but dragging the audio clips to the Time Ruler does nothing. It doesn't change the project tempo. I attach a link to the Bundle File of this project (compressed to rar). I want to synchronize it from measure 29 until the end. Now I am stuck at measure 58. I drag a clip that contains measures 58-59-60 to the Time Ruler and it doesn't sync. https://mega.nz/file/w3AzyCCI#zscu0-3tIlmIvGNI60Nq4JYk5D9wFYa6oa2ueD2SL2k
  15. I've tried Bounce to Clip and also Apply Trimming. It is still frozen, and with a clip of just one measure
  16. I have several audio projects with a click track that I am using to synchronize the Project Tempo, for adding MIDI tracks. In order to have consistency, I split the audio click track into small clips at the points where there is a drastic tempo change or a meter change, and I drag them one by one to the Time Ruler Very frequently, Cakewalk is frozen after the conversion is finished, with the message "Analyzing Audio" at the progress task. I have to press Ctrl-Alt-Del to terminate the Cakewalk task. The error is not consistent. Sometimes the same operation fails, and sometimes it success. I have recorded an example where I drag a clip to the Time Ruler and it fails. I repeat the same operation after restarting (at 00:38), and it succeeded. Is there some workaround for this? It is very time consuming because it fails very frequently
  17. I have all my Cakewalk Content on D drive (D:\Cakewalk Content) However, the Themes are only accessible from C drive. Themes is the only folder that I keep on C drive I cannot see how to change that at the folder locations preferences. Is there some way to change that? It is not a big issue. Just for consistency, and to avoid adding more paths to my backups
  18. At the old forum there were instructions to create a custom icon in a template: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Startgt-New-From-Template-Custom-Icons-m3415439.aspx 1) Create a .png image at the Project Template folder (100x100 aprox) - Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\Project Templates 2) Save the template with the same name as the image 3) The image can be deleted. It will be embedded at the template That doesn't seem to work with Bandlab. Has the procedure changed?
  19. You could try troubleshooting with MIDI-OX, a little utility that displays all the MIDI traffic coming from your devices http://www.midiox.com/
  20. I've found it! It is well explained here:
  21. I am still struggling with this. It should be very simple, but I am probably missing something. I have several projects with only audio that include a track with a metronome click, and I have to synchronize it with the project tempo in order to use MIDI tracks
  22. I still cannot make it to work. According to this instructions here: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=AudioSnap.05.html the button "Set Project from Clip" (G) should set the tempo according to the clip, but nothing happens when I click it. Perhaps that feature has been broken with this new release?
  23. Thank you for your reply. That has made an automatic audio to tempo adjustment without options to control the process. It has doubled the tempo (1 measure every 2 beats of the audio click track instead of every 4 beats)
  24. I have a multitrack with the metronome on an independent audio track and I want to synchronize the MIDI tempo with that track (without stretching the audio files) I have tried to follow the instructions here, but it is not working. I am following this steps: 1) Select the click track 2) Open the Audio Snap (Alt-A) 3) Click on "Set Project from Clip" I see the white vertical lines perfectly aligned with the audio metronome clicks, but MIDI tempo doesn't align with these marks. What step am I missing? I think that I;ve already touched all the buttons
  25. "J" That was the magic key. Thank you! Selecting a note and pressing Tab only plays single notes, not chords
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