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John Kinkead

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  1. Well, I calmed down and used the web installer and got all of my option back! Yay! Thanks again for all of your help! ?
  2. Thanks for your all of your help Scook, I'm just gonna let install on my C drive due to my frustration over this. ?
  3. I looked around on my BandLab account and couldn't find anything and on Windows with no luck. This is a new install of Cakewalkon a new install of Win 10 if that helps.
  4. I verified that there no entries in the registry for Cakewalk.
  5. I found a link that would let me install Cakewalk on drive ? then my ? drive died on me. I trying to find the link to the installer that has the advanced option in it. This install doesn't appear to have that option. Can anyone tell me where it is located or the url for the installer please?
  6. Thanks Scoot. This is a new Win 10 install, so I would think there would be no registry entries in the registry, but I can double check.
  7. That's what I was doing originally, but my D drive is a Raid 5 setup and faster than my C drive, so I thought I would give it a try. But I lost the link to the web installer that would let me try to put it on my D drive, when my C drive died, and am looking for it again.
  8. I found a link that would let me install Cakewalk on drive D: then my C: drive died on me. I trying to find the link to the installer that has the advanced option in it. This install doesn't appear to have that option. Can anyone tell me where it is located or the url for the installer please?
  9. Hi All, I've been running Sonar for a few years since the old Cakewalk days and have installed the new Cakewalk. The main system seems to running ok, but I am getting some audio artifacts, like a buzzing or repeating type of sound sometimes and my leds on the console view intermittingly don't light up even though audio is going the the channels. Also, the balance knob on the console does not work at all. Anyone have any thoughts? I am running Win 10 64 bit along with a Delta 1010 and a Delta 44 for 12 inputs. TIA, John
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