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Everything posted by treesha

  1. treesha


    Hey Mark, the new mix sounds great ! I can really hear what the bass is doing now which is pretty cool and I couldn't hear it clearly before and the kick is nice too. Good job with the remix, the song is great.
  2. I don’t have an answer but meanwhile if i was having this issue i would record the midi tracks audio onto an aux track and then cut it as needed and put the audio clip pieces where i want them to play.
  3. Happy St Patrick's Day to you too. I am half Irish via Irish grandparents who married on St Patrick's Day. I really enjoyed the piece. Beautiful instrumentation and I like the way you built the song up as it progressed and the things you chose to add. Good choices. The mix is nice too, balanced and a full range of enjoyable sounds.
  4. I enjoyed the song, enjoyed the message, your voice and your playing. I agree with Bjorn that at times the volume of the song drops a bit too low. I never worked with folk music, but if I was working on this I might eq a bit of brightness into the acoustic's sound just for variety. I might also take out a few mouth sounds which I do to my singing. Just minor things, really good overall! Good vibes back at ya
  5. treesha


    Really nice remix, great playing and the mix sounds nice and balanced but for the bass and the kick which over here have similar overlapping frequencies at times so not easy to pick out one from the other. I'm not in a perfect room for sure, but that's my only suggestion about it. Enjoyed your song!
  6. Hey Bjorn and David, Thanks for listening and for the positive feedback, much appreciated ! I did have fun making that bass line and the stuff around it, glad you enjoyed it. Those variants are mutating and simmering around these days, so I wanted to make music about their floating presence and trying to stay ahead of it. Glad it worked !
  7. Thanks t...glad you enjoy my songs, appreciate the encouragement! Yeah the allergies, I got the ears ringing now too...
  8. Thanks for listening and comments Makke freddy j and jack c. I’m glad you let me know you liked it or found it interesting! Appreciate the positive feedback!
  9. Good fun tune and I enjoyed the video too. The drummer's changing facial expressions cracked me up.
  10. treesha

    S P A N

    Cool song for sure, interesting video and goes well with the song. Love the horn playing, but really everything is very good. Maybe the bridges in the red rocks area is over the colorado river? Looks like it might be.
  11. Excellent as usual, great playing, great arrangement, mix works very well, unexpected here and there, great everywhere
  12. treesha

    Prairie trail

    Fits right in over here in Arizona, enjoyed it and your art too! Nice mix.
  13. treesha


    Yes the changes you made really improve the mix. The lyrics are much clearer and stand out more overall. Good work making a good song even better!
  14. Just had some quick fun with some free stuff and also my purchase of Triad during the PA recent sale. Not sure what to call this one. The picture is 3 of my Mexican folk art carvings that are called alebrijo, which I think means fantasy. This type I think is called aliens. There are some that are amazing ! I have maybe a dozen of different types. I thought they went well with the concept of covid-19 variants coming for ya. Wanted to capture the motion aspect of motion and running, and some weird stuff floating around in this song. Thanks for listening or comments, stay safe from these guys, Treesha
  15. treesha

    Selection weirdness

    Yeah that would get tedious. Since you are used to working in PRV has this happened before?
  16. treesha

    Selection weirdness

    I have no idea why that is happening, I have never tried to copy and paste from one track to another in PRV. If you need a way to do it meanwhile, if you are in track view, you can separate into a clip the parts in the track you want to copy from, the copy and paste that clip into the track you want to add it to. This is how I have done it.
  17. Agreed your questions aren’t dumb and this is the place to ask them. Yeah its a balance between spending time learning and having fun creating. I learn new stuff all the time about cakewalk itself and all the toys i have gotten. Some things about cakewalk are intuitive or can be resolved by messing around. Other things need someone experienced to help with. I try to spend time learning and spend time creating. Its really a lot to learn but at a certain point one becomes somewhat competent in the basic stuff and spends less time in wtf??!! Which is no fun at all... But that still can happen ha
  18. The stereo bus if created will be in the console view on the right where the master should also be, not the track view
  19. interesting.. could it have something to do with take lanes content?
  20. A track that has been hidden will still play from its hiding place unless it is muted or archived. One thing to check for. If i was searching i would loop the unwanted sounds area and solo each track one by one till i found it.
  21. Hi Ken, hope you are doing well and making some progress. In another post on here John Vere is generously sharing decades of his files. If you haven’t messaged him you can go to the link and look at the midi songs he has which might include songs you would want to work on. Reading the entire thread might help too. Good luck
  22. treesha

    Need to Forget

    Thanks for the widening tip. I do check in mono cause it is easy to overdo stuff with so many wonderful friend options. Never had allergies till 5 years ago and yes they seem to get worse ! Working on an instrumental now so far no more singing ha. Thanks for listening and enjoy your vicks !
  23. I just googled free bluegrass midi files and some sites come up. You should be able to find some useable bass parts guitar chords etc and use them to be played by your preferred bass instrument. If you already have the chords and the bass doesn’t match you can move the notes in piano roll view to the right notes. Good videos in the tutorial section if this sounds unfamiliar. Good luck
  24. No problems for me with free bass and strat on cakewalk version before latest one you can change the keyboard to black and white keys on my strat
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