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Everything posted by antler

  1. This doesn't seem as flexible as some or their other instruments. For example, Shimmer, Shake, Strike has an integrated sequencer along with the percussion sounds, letting you customise the rhythms. The loops sound cool; but it feels this could have been more powerful.
  2. I don't think so. The thing with Vocoflex is that it's a voice-morphing tool - it's technically possible to do bad things with it. As the outputs are (supposedly) watermarked, Dreamtonics could trace unethical usage back to the original purchaser when combined with KYC (i.e. the additional documentation). With their other products, the vocal characteristics aren't as malleable and so there's much less risk of malicious usage.
  3. Looks cool. @jesse g here you go: https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_aura.html
  4. Maybe he's busy downloading/archiving his VSTBuzz purchases? ?
  5. Sorry @cclarry - my interpretation of the title is that VSTBuzz will shut down soon. But I don't see any news of that on their website. Was it announced somewhere else, or have I misunderstood something?
  6. That's how I interpret that page. But I don't work for Cinesamples (or have any connection with them other than being a customer), so I can't say for sure.
  7. Cool. It's a great sign that they're continually releasing more libraries. And from their videos, it looks like they have fun making them too. And for anyone wondering what the cut-off point for Musio 1 will be, I suspect it will be after one more library - Scotland - based on this page: https://musio.com/whats-included/
  8. If it matters to anyone, I believe Crow Hill plugins use CodeMeter.
  9. The naming of some of Christian's new projects seems to have a dark undertone to it: 'crow hill', 'demon drops', 'concussion'... I wonder if there's a library of extreme growling vocals for metal in the works...
  10. If you're still in the market for real-world sound recordings, consider this one too if you don't already have it. https://www.freetousesounds.com/all-in-one-bundle
  11. No need for fancy implementations. I'm sure what Larry does is already a lot of work, so this is not a request of any kind. But if Larry wanted to, it's not to hard to add the rating as part of the text, e.g. 8/10 or * * * * *
  12. Fair enough. Just bear in mind JRR is a reseller that usually discounts when others also discount. If you'd rather bypass it, please simply ignore this comment.
  13. I actually prefer it this way. After all, a deal's a deal - it doesn't matter which shop is hosting it. A lot of the best deals are on JRR; the only difference is that it's not explicitly in the title. (P.S. I'm just making an observation; I'm not asking for or suggesting anything be changed.)
  14. The thing about YouTube is that most (though not necessarily all) people are really just sales-people in disguise. They do a review and claim it to be unbiased, but they've probably either taken a chunk of cash to say good things about a product, or received a free version, or have an affiliate link to buy the product. Plugin Boutique likely don't want either the extra effort involved in getter influencer marketing, or the reputation associated with it - after all, they have (I expect) a large user base they can already advertise to. By all means, use YouTube as an info source for what a piece of software can do/sound like, but it's probably a good idea to keep in mind that potential negative aspects can be de-emphasised. (e.g. an extreme example is the well-known MIDI chord pack advert that frequently pop up on YouTube.) The best thing to do is to demo the software yourself to see if it fits with your workflow and existing toolset.
  15. I think every release of Serum has been marked as beta.
  16. How does this compare to e.g. DearVR Pro?
  17. Funny - I've bought a few things from RRA, but didn't get that email from them. I did get the announcement from ISW though. The nice thing is that my previous purchases were automatically merged in.
  18. I know of two plugin subscriptions that mitigate that: PA gives you vouchers to 'buy' multiple plugins to keep. There's another company (possibly NI? - someone please correct me if I'm wrong) where the plugins remain openable, but no longer tweakable. And there's Composer Cloud (and by extension of the idea, Musio, et al.), where you can bounce your audio down. It's not the same thing as you can no longer edit the part, but at least the project is still openable/re-mixable. Not the same as a DAW though - I know.
  19. That's fair enough; you should pick whichever DAW platform suits you most. Personally, I went that way because it fits my workflow, and there's tight integration with the FaderPort (both from the same company). In my view, there have been only two ways in which I feel I've been treated differently from a subscriber: I don't get their new synth (sorry, can't remember its name). In the past, I was notified via email about some new feature/s a few days later than people who had subscribed. Given I have enough 3rd party synths, (1) doesn't bother me at all. I don't mind about (2) because: I found out about the new feature/s anyway. I find being notified a few days late an acceptable compromise for not paying them at fixed annual intervals or losing access to their software*. More lately, there's been some drama around add-ons. But they can be purchased via 3rd party resellers. Don't know if it was intentional that they originally walled them off for subscribers only, or if it was a genuine oversight. As long as I can buy them if I want them, it's not an issue for me. * This was on their previous subscription scheme; you now get a perpetual licence if you pay a certain amount.
  20. I converted to Studio One when it was announced Sonar was discontinued and Presonus offered a crossgrade price. I don't regret my choice with starting with Cakewalk though: it was the best choice for me at the time, I picked up transferable DAW skills, and I got to know this forum. Had I started with another DAW, I'd probably still have spent as much in total, but I might not have stumbled upon this helpful community.
  21. This is Ample Guitar TC. The only thing I did was to turn on the amp, and drive section; everything else is left at default settings. Mixdown.opus
  22. According to Thomann, these need iLok(?). Can someone confirm if this is true? https://www.thomann.de/gb/steven_slate_audio_vsx_platinum_edition_578617.htm
  23. Hmm... Doesn't look like I have one; guess I either buy too much from them, or to little (probably the latter).
  24. I sometimes put Overloud Dopamine (a similar Dolby-style plugin) on the master bus - it gives everything a nice sparkle. It's best used subtly though, or can lead to ear fatigue. I set it up to how it sounds good, and then back off a tiny bit. Then I wait a day or so for my ears to reset and then listen again to the mix.
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