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  1. That's fair enough; you should pick whichever DAW platform suits you most. Personally, I went that way because it fits my workflow, and there's tight integration with the FaderPort (both from the same company). In my view, there have been only two ways in which I feel I've been treated differently from a subscriber: I don't get their new synth (sorry, can't remember its name). In the past, I was notified via email about some new feature/s a few days later than people who had subscribed. Given I have enough 3rd party synths, (1) doesn't bother me at all. I don't mind about (2) because: I found out about the new feature/s anyway. I find being notified a few days late an acceptable compromise for not paying them at fixed annual intervals or losing access to their software*. More lately, there's been some drama around add-ons. But they can be purchased via 3rd party resellers. Don't know if it was intentional that they originally walled them off for subscribers only, or if it was a genuine oversight. As long as I can buy them if I want them, it's not an issue for me. * This was on their previous subscription scheme; you now get a perpetual licence if you pay a certain amount.
  2. I converted to Studio One when it was announced Sonar was discontinued and Presonus offered a crossgrade price. I don't regret my choice with starting with Cakewalk though: it was the best choice for me at the time, I picked up transferable DAW skills, and I got to know this forum. Had I started with another DAW, I'd probably still have spent as much in total, but I might not have stumbled upon this helpful community.
  3. This is Ample Guitar TC. The only thing I did was to turn on the amp, and drive section; everything else is left at default settings. Mixdown.opus
  4. According to Thomann, these need iLok(?). Can someone confirm if this is true? https://www.thomann.de/gb/steven_slate_audio_vsx_platinum_edition_578617.htm
  5. Hmm... Doesn't look like I have one; guess I either buy too much from them, or to little (probably the latter).
  6. I sometimes put Overloud Dopamine (a similar Dolby-style plugin) on the master bus - it gives everything a nice sparkle. It's best used subtly though, or can lead to ear fatigue. I set it up to how it sounds good, and then back off a tiny bit. Then I wait a day or so for my ears to reset and then listen again to the mix.
  7. antler


    Does that include the Maat digital EQs? Their marketing looks good, but the prices of some of their plugins are so far out of my budget range I never seriously consider them.
  8. Forgive my ignorance, but could someone explain how you get the name of this company (510k) from their company logo?
  9. From their website: Pan Knob overcomes the limitations of traditional panning schemes with a superior algorithm that centers low frequencies while panning higher frequencies for superior balance and mix translation. https://www.bozdigitallabs.com/product/pan-knob/
  10. This release refers to their new engine Engine Player. If you bought it a few months ago, it's likely it was for Best Engine. Anyone who previously bought a Best Engine library that has been ported over gets the new Engine Player version for free. Not sure why they chose such a similar name for their new engine though.
  11. One thing to test might be to try moving the audio file to a path without spaces; another might be to try using a short path.
  12. Buy two and backup twice. It's unlikely both will simultaneously fail. If one fails somewhere down the line, get another to replace it so you continue to have two backups.
  13. Don't forget about the developer named Pornofonic.
  14. From https://www.modartt.com/pianoteq_pro#studio_bundle (emphasis is from original text)
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