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Hrabe EM

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  1. Hi. Only one thing was leading to resolve my problem. Installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable latest supported downloads https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-160 . But I installed 2015-2022 and without succes. I had to install 2013 and it was the solution! Somebody told me at facebook discus forum. The technical support wasn't response me . Now I am glad, that its ok.
  2. Thanks. I've installed this special installer, but the problem is still there. I Can't install Cakewalk without error reports, which looks like " Program files/cakewalk/Shared Plugins/Dewire.dll unable to register the dll/oxk: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3 " (sevelar similar reports) and after "The code is not possible to run, because MSVR120.dll is missing. Try to reinstall."
  3. I did "clean uninstallation /renistallation several times, the problem is still there.
  4. I tried to rescan also, but its the same. I uninstalled Cakewalk and I installed it again. But itstill the same. I can't load any FX preset. I can load only some FX. It seems that it can be issue with Waves plugins. But in my another software -Adobe Audiotion, its working. When I install Cakewalk, threres a lot of similar error warnings like this
  5. Hi. I was working on project in Cakewalk. I reinstalled my driver for Focusrite Clarett sound card. After it, the same project which was working ok, suddenly appears warings - error with plugins. I will give it to attachement. Now I can't load my FX presets at all (nothing happen) , I cant put Sonitus FX on audio track. .I had the last version of Cakewalk. What could be wrong and how to fix it? I tried another DAW, and there's seems all without problem. Thanks for any tip.
  6. Hi, When I select more clips (files) and I use "bounce" or whenI I am putting normalizing on more clips (files) it seems ok in project, but when I look up the wave file, I have one long wave which is corresponding with more tracks in project. Its very big mistake of the cekawalk.
  7. I think also that the bit rate of the recording in my DAW is setting for the rate of my recorded files, not for my audio interface. I have Focusrite Clarett 4 Pre and in driver control, theres no setting for bitrate, only for sample rate. I never set the bitrate there. I hope I am right.
  8. Thanks. I am recording at 32 since I used to Cool Edit Pro 2, which hasd 16 or 32 bit option only. But I had in cakewalk glabal set recording at 32bit, but probably when I created the new projects when I had option 16bit, the files was recorded in 16 bit. But now I see that I can record at 32 bit anyway in session which was created with 16 bit option.. Interesting.
  9. I am recording in 32 bits for years, but in my last several projects in Cakewalk, I forgott to see and some files was recorded in 16bit only, because my project was created for recording in 16bit. I know, that if I change it now, the quality of the existing files will be the same. But I want to change project to be 32bit for the recording in future. And maybe it could have been efect for mixing. I have a lot of files and settings in each project and I would like to avoid to draging all files manualy to the new project and settings all again. I saved my project as template, after I created the new one with 32bit option and files from template. But after saving, there is 16bit again. See at screen .
  10. Hi. Is it posible to convert the whole Project to 44.1 32 bit instead of 44.1 16bit which I have now? If yes, how to do that. Thanks for tips. (I found out now that I had some projects in 16bit, not in 32)
  11. Hrabe EM

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    probably not. Thanks for reply.
  12. Hrabe EM

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    Hi. I describe you my question on this example. If I drag file with left button mouse and hold Ctr together It will create a copy of the same file to another place. Is it possible to change this command to do the same but holding Alt instead Ctr? I tried to change it many times, but in settings (Preferences) of Keyboard Shortcuts, I can't find, where this setting is. Because its not standart command on keyboard but in combination with mouse Thanks for some advice.
  13. Thanks a lot. I have it, but I didnt see it before, I think its something new in Cakewalk ? . Thanks.
  14. Thanks. After installing fix Cakewalk_by_BandLab_Update_Setup_27.01.0.088 I can finally open my projects. I tried t o open several of them, so I hope it will be ok now.. Thanks a lot! But I can't import my keyboart shortcuts and I can't change them, because I don't see keyboard shortcuts in Edit-preferences at all. Thanks for reply
  15. I had to change numbers to 33, 44 and 66 and now its working. Very strange, that 3, 4 and 6 did nothing .-)
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