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Jim Hurley

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Jim Hurley last won the day on March 1 2019

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About Jim Hurley

  • Birthday 03/15/1952

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  1. Anyone know what this means. The peak leds go on and off.
  2. That probably just uses the format: CHKDSK /f <drive> I use an administrative prompt: CHKDSK /f /r /b <drive> /f - fix simple errors /r - locate and relocate bad sectors in user files /b - find bad clusters in unused areas of the drive
  3. It's a solid state GPT drive formatted NTFS.
  4. Today I was running a CHKDSK on my D drive which is where I have all my music projects and paths in Cakewalk. While waiting for it to complete, I opened Cakewalk without thinking and it automatically created all these folders in my AppData folder on C because D was unmounted during the scan. Realizing my mistake I changed all the paths in preferences, reset my project folders, reset the default templates, etc. It took a while. Quite a while. Maybe a warning before making all these changes would be helpful? EDIT: I use in an admin shell the command: "CHKDSK /F /R /B D:" to find all disk errors in files and unused space. This unmounts D
  5. How much time does it take to keep 4000 VST up-to-date? With only a thousand I seem to get updates several times a week. Mostly those these updates seem to be for Apple machines mostly.
  6. If you only had one VST instrument and one VST effect what would they be? I am an experimenter, so it is somewhat easy: Reaktor would be my VST (and it could be used as an effect as well, but not here), Kore would be my effects instrument. That also cheats, because Kore can load anything. Without cheating, I would pick Falcon as instrument and Crusher-X as effect. Bidule and MSoundFactory could also appear as one of these alternates. These are all very general plug-ins.
  7. I think the vast majority of mine are Melda and NI VSTs.
  8. I retired in 1999, did a bunch of music, but now I just seem to collect VSTs! I do have some big plans to get back again soon, but other hobbies have taken over my time (like painting).
  9. Nahimic, Sonic, and Avolute stuff are frequently installed with RealTek audio driver updates. I make a note to myself to eliminate these things and disable the services they start.
  10. It also may be due to something that altered the environment path, perhaps. Not sure, though, but once, long ago, I saw adding one of the MS development tools increased the PATH by adding a lot of the development folders and that made a phenomenal slowdown to some scanning software tools. So if you made some changes that added folders to the PATH, maybe that will help narrow things down.
  11. I have not heard back from the developers on this topic. I also find that marking regions seems to cause instant crashes very often. So I no longer use version 15. I will update it as new ones come out, but I find SF14 to be a superior product.
  12. I think this happened to me once and I think it was due to a Broadcast Wave file having a timestamp embedded. The fix is to disable that.
  13. I tend to read the manuals and release notes. I didn't find any release notes in the download, nor mention of this in the What's new sections (For SF 15 or 14)
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