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Jake Waidelich

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Everything posted by Jake Waidelich

  1. I've had to reinstall my Focusrite 2i2 drivers twice since I've gotten it and haven't been able to determine why. Both times I've had poor sound after being gone for a long weekend and turning computer back on. After reinstalling driver then everything was fine again. I haven't updated to latest CW version yet so I don't ent know if that's my issue, but I guess I'll find out soon enough when I do.
  2. Well that's unfortunate. Not sure why it sounds so muddy. I tested it on a few different listening devices at home but don't have a car stereo to try it on. Just to be clear, the first 15 seconds is the original recording from 1990 which is very muffled and one of the reasons I'm re-recording my songs.
  3. Thanks for comment and listening! I record my bass DI and have been working on getting best tone/EQ and using amp sims to give a fuller sound. For this song, I purposely tried to keep the bassline from overpowering the song by putting a piece of rubber foam under my strings at the bridge to give a muted bass sound. I probably should have compensated more with EQ to make sure it wasn't too muted. My reason for doing so was that I thought it was too busy the way I normally play/record bass.
  4. Thanks for your comments! It is easy for me to overdo reverb and stereo effects so I try not to have them overtake the song. Lately I've been working on multiple reverb buses that have different reverb to see if it is a better option for my songs. Did you listen with headphones or speakers?
  5. I sent a request to the Bakers before and they said they'd look into this, but so far it isn't an option... What I would like, is to be able to change the FX Chain view in ProChannel to look like it does when in the FX Bin. I use and create many chains for ease of workflow, but I normally insert them in ProChannel. When inserted in the FX Bin, if you click on the chain it changes to a larger view and is easier to adjust. I've included a picture to demonstrate what I'm referring to.
  6. This is another earlier song of mine that I rerecorded a couple years ago using Music Creator 6 and CbB. I was in the middle of a large project when BandLab took over Cakewalk and it took me awhile to make the switch. This song has four different parts and features a blend of acoustic and electric guitars and bass. Often I avoid adding percussion with songs that are mostly acoustic guitar driven since I usually have trouble programming drums and they don't seem as necessary.
  7. Thanks for listening! Most of my early songs are pretty short. I've tried revamping some of them with extended intros or longer fade outs, but if I did that with all of them then they would sound too much the same, at least to me. I have a longer medley that I can post that I've made a video of as well, but I'll make a new post soon.
  8. Thanks for listening and commenting! I'm currently halfway through a large project so I thought I'd share this in the meantime as it is the first song that I recorded for it. I'm re-recording songs that I wrote in 1991 so it is fun and inspiring to have more than just a dual cassette player and crappy microphone.
  9. I downloaded the free version of Sienna last night, but haven't tried it out much yet. It is free till October if anyone is interested in trying it out. https://www.acustica-audio.com/pages/specials/sienna-free
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