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  1. 13:20 Graphics Not Smooth In this video x.e.l.ohh explain te problemhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7ctyOwGq4RE&t=1180s
  2. Fl studio, studio one etc are more grapically smooth mean https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7ctyOwGq4RE&t=1180s In this video a person is explaining 13:20 Graphics Not Smooth
  3. I have used Many daw but i have seen a issue or something like that im calkwalk is when i do any action it takes a minutes to response in it other daw click a the food is in your face .. So calkwalk should work make the daw more smoother i get same in pentium as in i9 with 1tb ssd 64gb ram and 5tb hhd there is a slight delay that calkwalk always have
  5. I know there's a Waveform Preview while recording audio, but is there a way to view the waveform of the output of a bus or channel (after eq, compression, insert effects)? Real time I'd like to do a before/after comparison of the effects of compression.
  6. Yes plenty of unused space in console gain upward .. If calkwalk give use access the we can rearrance the order of of plugin in prochannel or resize the pro channel unit (Many Space unused up of gain knob) If we can adjust and use it so the fader get more space or Get Bigger)
  7. Thank you Starship Krupa.. But can you upload the icon by which i can dock the meter ..
  8. Span is very good but same thing i have tell when you doing a session in which you have 70 track and you always have to go to setting or off screen frequently.. The vst will get close my problem is not get a good vst but the vst always get close there is no way to open a vst by shortcut key or anything like that That the problem ..every daw have a big leveling meter flstudio,studioone,ntrack,cubase etc why they gave it .. For a reason .. If calkwalk gave it will be very helpful.. Bandlab app now also have a leveling meter .. In master.. Volume If i use pin feature which prevent them to close but it have a backside when you offocus or chage the screen using sreen set or go to setting page or etc when you came back the vst get close then again you have to go.. To master channel and open this is ok for 10or 20 track session but if you have 60 70track then i is frastating..
  9. Screenset is ok but if leveling meter was there it definitely help.. Cause i face in many situation while doing gain automtion while doing minor gain adjust i always have to open and pin the plugin when i get ofscreen the plugin get close .. You suggest screen set it ok .. But suppose i doing gain automation .. And i do 1db 2db adjustment to see the diffrent i have to again and again go from screen 1 to2
  10. We First Need a Loudness Meter every other daw Provide it calkwalk also should it a small thing but very powerfull and Time and frastating saver every time you need to check you level you either come close to you computer screen to see the value or you again and again open go to master channel to open the vu vst but if calkwalk have a db meter you just press a shortcut key to open and close and yes a vst can not open with shortcut key but if calkwalk give a pre built Db meter we can open it with shortcut key like INSTECTOR or prochannel.. Those who agree with me request Calkwalk To give a db meter
  11. We First Need a Loudness Meter every other daw Provide it calkwalk also should it a small thing but very powerfull and Time and frastating saver every time you need to check you level you either come close to you computer screen to see the value or you again and again open go to master channel to open the vu vst but if calkwalk have a db meter you just press a shortcut key to open and close and yes a vst can not open with shortcut key but if calkwalk give a pre built Db meter we can open it with shortcut key like INSTECTOR or prochannel.. Those who agree with me request Calkwalk To give a db meter
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