Greetings from Seville, Spain.
I present you one of my last songs that I have done.
Produced entirely with Cakewalk by Bandlab.
I've composed lyrics, music, inserted VSTi instruments, and
I have recorded lead vocals and backing vocals myself.
The guitar solo is also real, as well as another guitar in the background in the chorus.
I hope you like it, it is called Fear, Anger and it is inspired by the unfortunate moment we have gone through since the pandemic began.
In a few weeks I will introduce you to the song I am working on now entitled "Rumbling the heart", but that is still a couple of weeks away.
See you soon!
P.S. I have translated this with google, I hope it is well understood. ?
(The short lyrics)
Vamos Caminando
Tenemos una dirección
Ya casi llegando
Cambiando el miedo por razón
Vamos despertando
La luz mejora la visión
Ya casi llegando
Aún queda conseguir la unión
Basta ya de tanto miedo,
impulsado desde arriba.
No permitas que te afecte que,
te cree miedo, ira.
Escucha tu cuerpo,
sigue la intuición
Y así tu alma
te guiará mejor.
Sevilla, Mayo 2021
Tiempos Heroicos
Let's walk
We have an address
Almost arriving
Changing fear for reason
We are waking up
Light improves vision
Almost arriving
There is still to get the union
Enough of so much fear,
driven from above.
Don't let it affect you
cause you fear, anger.
Listen to your body,
follow the intuition
And so your soul
will guide you better.
Seville, May 2021
Heroic Times