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Everything posted by backwoods

  1. Hate to be a killjoy but the affirmation quotes are corny! Love toast notifications, hate the attendant affirmations Wish we could disable the quotes wihout disabling toast popups
  2. you can stack vouchers- i had a 75 one and got it for 24$
  3. Is it possible to show the bus color in a rectangle before the bus name in drop down menu for creating a new send. I always use the same colors for various busses and don't even need to rename them this way but can get confusing when they are named bus D, E, F, G etc
  4. This is a Japanese company. Up to 70% off What could be of interest to Sonar users as F-Rex is similar to the Roland R-mix plugin. https://internetmusicsoft.com/bfw_sales.html
  5. do the vst3 versions work properly now in Cakewalk? It used to be that the dials used to be stuck in circular mode as opposed to linear which made them frustrating to operate. I've always just stuck to vst2 versions in cakewalk. (the vst3 work properly in cubase and S1 but not samplitude)
  6. Acid 7 was hopeless after a decade of neglect and magix have taken it and over a couple of years and updates made it worse lol. The forum is full of disheartened users ( and now ex users) eg https://www.magix.info/us/forum/thoughts-from-a-once-loyal-customer--1231297/ . I think they'll let it wither on the vine cos it has nothing going for it apart from appealing to nostalgic people. I've posted plenty of ideas over the years and one has actually been used- the collapse all pro channel modules with modifier key + click. totally weird for that a guy like you who tries to run down cakewalk all the time by comparing it to a shite competitor gets offended when that program is looked into and critiqued by a long time user (used acid since v4) I can agree with you that it would be nice if Project 5 still existed though ?
  7. bach probably would have checked in and seen all the complaints that wopuld have reaffirmed his original opinion "what a hunk of junk" . so dumb
  8. i bought it- it has problems scanning lots of my plugins and crashes with quite a few that pass the scan succesfully . cpu usage is crap. Bach would not be satisfied with this DAW! ?
  9. There was a time sonitus plugs were sold by cakewalk as VST but they were 32bit only. I'm maybe old fashioned but I like the gui (maybe cos sonitus were my main plugins for years). Before pro channel came along you used to double click the eq section of mixer pane and sonitus eq would jump up. Have we really advanced or just prettier now ?
  10. Wish you'd somehow make it possible to use an xbox controller to offer basic portable sonar control Noel. Hi quality, relatively cheap, easily replaceable!
  11. waiting for liquidsonics black friday deals. will get any good intro deals in the meantime...
  12. they are having a 60% off sale on lofi (which was once free) and delay 3000 with the code LOFI3000 (until end of month) ilok cloud compatible too
  13. 12 arturia effects for $149 is one of the all time great deals IMO
  14. We have a plug-in coming out this week that has been in the works for some time. Announcing, our new analog BBD reverb with a lo-fi dark ambience… the Cheeseverb! SPECIAL PROMO OFFER On launch day, August 13, we will be offering the Cheeseverb for just $13. After that it will be going up 3x in price. https://www.refusesoftware.com/news/feature/42
  15. love IK. please consider a deactivate machine option like so many companies implement- eg xln, arturia, toontrack et al rather than this arbitrary 10 activations routine
  16. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/qrange-by-lkjb
  17. thanks for the headsup. Anyone tried the focusrite channelstrip?
  18. it all seems like a bit of a race to the bottom. there are hundreds of companies and everything is sort of the same product but with a different gui. Wouldn't surprise me to find out some people start a company with profesional looking plugins, start at an expensive price but with heavy intro discount, then just run constant "AMAZING" sales for a couple of years. then close down the company and start again with same code but different gui vsts ? Cheapskate customers don't help either. If I was in the industry i would offer cheap plugins with no discounts and no after sales support and my tagline would be"Cheap plugins- come get them you pathetic Piece Of Sh!t"
  19. there are a fair few companies that allow non dongle, no internet activation. from my installer folder: serials or keyfile: 2caudio, acondigital,black rooster, blue cat, boz, camel audio, fabfilter, fuse audio, hornet, kilohearts, klanghelm, klevgrand, samplemagic,siraudio,tokyodawn,toneboosters, u-he, voxengo, wavesfactory, aom, auditory, cravedsp, ddmf, dmgaudio, imageline, kuassa, melda, overtonedsp, psp (though some modern ones are ilok), sonimus, sugaraudio, tbproaudio, tritik, valhalla i'm sure there are many morebesides. with regards to PluginAlliance I'm not going to pay $150 a year. maybe if they merged with slate and the sub was $100 might be tempted.
  20. no matter what they announce there will be major bitching
  21. I like PC EQ very much. Especially the hybrid mode with the automatic wide boosts and narrower cuts. Would use pro channel all the time for everything except that when you buy expensive VSts kind of feel obligated to use them instead so you don't feel as if you've wasted money. would love to see PSP adapt their SQUAD retro EQs and some of their compressors to prochannel.
  22. PA pricing was weird. I think I bought vertigo at full price when it first came out- nearly $300-- just about every month after that I got a $100 voucher which I'd put towards something else. Now I have just about everything and probably paid on average about $50 a plug.
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