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  1. Thanks for that Jonesey. i think this is the way to go edit: it worked! i only cleared the first three things. I have to re enter my hotkeys but that's all good. Sonar looks great!
  2. the buttons to run vst scan are dimmed in preferences window. any one else had this problem? tried running as administrator even overall- horrible installation. think I made a huge ,mistake when program asked me if I wanted to import settings and gave me a list of previous sonar installs. I just double clicked the top one and now ieverything is pointed towards steam apps (x86) for a version i installed about a decade ago and never used.
  3. thanks deering I think I've got it. There was a driver- steinberg built in asio that must have come in with steinberg downloads I did about a week ago- I uninstalled that and now sonar is working
  4. Availed myself of the black friday deal and first time opening sonar up it scans audio drivers, window dissapears, then reappears and scans again etc ... forever. I can't even get to preferences and have to use task manager to quit out. Any ideas
  5. unlike the relab version doesnt require ilok. $74 https://savantaudiolabs.com/product/quantum-room-simulator/
  6. Noel must be fully cognizant of discontent cos remember back in the day when they first floated sub model they made sure to include pathway to perpetual if you had paid original price plus year of updates. the big worry back then was something to do with windows limitation that meant users licensce was shown to time out in 2038 or something- something like the y2k windows feature.... anyway it all went ***** up within a year I'm like you guys and wont pay a subscription without a perpetual license being included btw
  7. would be so cool if it was simple pay to own with serial number authentication. that era seems to have passed at cakewalk sadly X3 was the last to do so. Reaper still does it. even cloud based authentication seems iffy longterm nowadays when daw market is so saturated and companies under massive pressure. I see magix who make samplitude are in financial trouble now eg
  8. Hope they eventually land at the bitwig/ protools model where by you pay a yearly subscription and if you let the subscription lapse you get to use the last version released in your paid year forever. If they do that I'll buy it
  9. code not recognized here. is it region specific?
  10. and every order beyond that gets 20% loyalty discount too
  11. I have lost access to all my cakewalk downloads- sonar 7 onwards, proteus packs, pro channel installers etc tried to change my account email and the confirmation email from cakewalk that I needed to click to confirm never arrived so I'm stuck in limbo. Any ideas anyone?
  12. https://korneffaudio.com/
  13. if you upgrade from old version can you still use old version?
  14. noel I cant access my legacy cakewalk account to retrieve old products. foprgotten password and reset emails arent hitting my account. any ideas?
  15. anyone had the same problem? I can't remember my password to access all the old products and when i get the system to ping myemail to send a reset it says it has been sent but it never arrives.
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