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Dana Pearson

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Everything posted by Dana Pearson

  1. I have purchased THU premium and they indicate all of the cabinets have been updated to fluid IRS. So why buy the extra fluid IRS for Jensen speakers? I mean there's already a shitload of cabinets in THU... All of which apparently run on the fluid IR system so .. Can anyone help me make a better sense of this? I mean why buy the Jensen speakers when many of these cabinets have Jensen speakers in them I would assume. What am I missing if anything?
  2. You can't buy it from them unless you bought the original from them so this is pretty worthless for most people and the Vengeance site is still impossible to get through to buy...
  3. Apple now requires it... Like Tesla, they're pushing things forward... Have waited for this for decades and have visualized immersion sound for way longer. Moving multi-layered sound fields... What an emotional ride! So excited
  4. BTW, James Spilling just did a nifty little review/muck around also.. Very different... Good instance fiddler around with all the controls... Quite a funny guy❤️ this little beasty has a load of "naughty" stuff?
  5. I'm in... This banning stuff is getting in out of hand. You had a great channel... Don't know the background or anything as I've been away from this form for a long time but your aim again and I'm glad it was this day so I could sign up. Take care and best of luck I'll be watching
  6. Got all them too but not a natural intuitive/extemporaneous composing flow for me. Simeon convinced me... I'll send Kirk some dinner funds... After all, he was the only one with deals back when I was broke on the farm? Funny no one creates more delicate ostinato velocity builds for these demos... Velocity is an important dimension! It's like everyone is "wanking off"? I'll see what I can do. I see the controls are there. Peace, bro (wouldn't that be nice?)
  7. Dude! I REMEMBER! Them were da DAYZ! Cool new name! Here ??. ? Been away for years... Life changes and all... Listening to Simeon right now... This Plus is way better... Guess the old man gets a few duckets from me.
  8. Hi all! Didn't buy the original as it had no velocity control on the arping... Was way too static to me. This seems much better... Haven't watch Simeon yet but... is this a buy? Me and Roger committed to STOP till next bf but I'm an ostinato addict... Soooooo.... Fleer/Bapu... Give me an honest thought... I do have every "movement" orchestral library on Earth already. Kirk was my first, had all his old stuff but it's on an old computer now in a corner gathering dust and kinda irrelevant these days... Enjoyed our last gathering! Hi, Larry! Was Vastman in the old Cakewalk days. You're still an amazing Pusher Man! ❤️
  9. You're right! Brain fart... Was remembering the old SO... ? Guess I blew 80$ by not checking jrr... ?
  10. BAD DEAL... Platinum cost me $499 from EW...Diamond is dinky... JRR ripoff as EW has it for less Error! Brain fart... Disregard... Was thinking of their old orchestra
  11. Hey dude! Downloaded last week & I agree... It's like a Spitfire/Orchestral Tools level of "The Orchestra"... Very flexible, intuitive, & sounds INCREDIBLE! Haven't used any of my EW crap for 7 or so years but could not resist buying JUST FOR THE ORCHESTRATOR ... Best $500 addition to my absurd 12TBs of orchestral libraries (insanity) in years Roger just mentioned you commenting on this and figured I'd chime in. Hope ur doing well ❤️
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