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Everything posted by kc23
Introducing Cakewalk Next and our new brand identity
kc23 replied to Jesse Jost's topic in News & Announcements
This is the level of argumentation in a discussion sustained, supposedly, by adults. Ones that seem to not have the emotional control or maturity of a, well, adult. Shouldn´t this behavior be checked by moderators? Are there moderators in this thread? Maybe they are busy somewhere else, trying to get other things in to people´s heads. As long as "nobody messes with MY daw!", guess everything goes. Let the display of... "wittiness"... keep on going. -
Introducing Cakewalk Next and our new brand identity
kc23 replied to Jesse Jost's topic in News & Announcements
This is exactly the kind of attitude that made the cakewalk "folk" so famous for. Responses and reactions to posts, with unneeded snobbery, belittlement, and disregard for any other opinion but yours. The "how dare you criticize MY daw and MY views?" stance of a toddler, that is actually the behavior that indicates the... hurt mentality of someone who actually would need tissues to clean... their tears up. 100% agree with this whole post. Just will make, again, the same remark: a "pay 12 months and then keep whatever state your daw got frozen" is not a "pay to own perpetual license". If payment is demanded just for bugfixing it, it is in fact a subscription. Also, despite been asked the question repeatedly, they have been very careful to NOT say that the 6 month authorization "requirement" will be lifted. So I would say, rest assured that it will not, which gives the current version a 6 month lifespan from the moment of your last authorization, or the new paid version is released. Well, actually no. Do you think they have been working for free? They are being paid, it´s their job, and hopefully they like it. But it´s not like they have been doing this "out of the goodness of their hearts." Keep in mind, again, Bandlab is not a little independent company, run by three or four guys in a garage. Quite the opposite. -
Introducing Cakewalk Next and our new brand identity
kc23 replied to Jesse Jost's topic in News & Announcements
No, there´s no debt payed whatsoever. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least one daw that is doing lifetime updates, and it has been around for maybe 20 years or so, and a plugin company doing the same for the last seven or eight years or so. So, that business model is real. Anyone that doesn´t see that, well, they can´t see. Again, no. That "12 month payment option and then no more updates" is a subscription model. After those 12 months, one will be left with a daw in the same state as what CbB will be, that is, a daw frozen in time, with no updates, no support. If one has to pay again (and again) to receive more updates and support, then it is, in fact, a subscription. Anyone that doesn´t want to see that, is just deluding themselves. -
Introducing Cakewalk Next and our new brand identity
kc23 replied to Jesse Jost's topic in News & Announcements
The thing that has to be understood for everyone is: Bugfixes are not updates. They are fixes. So, if it turns out that on the last release of your so called "rent to buy" scheme, you get a version that won´t load your favorite or most needed plugin (e.g.: kontakt for that cue you have to deliver in two days, or that eq that is all over your mixing session), just because "bug"... you´ll cough up more payments just to, fingers crossed, get a bugfix, so you can continue working? How is that correct behavior? How is that not holding your work hostage? So no, no subscriptions, especially if disguised as a "perpetual license". If I would be willing to pay upfront for 12 months of updates, I would expect, at least, a new feature once a month. At least. And new. Bugfixes? not gonna pay extra for those. -
Introducing Cakewalk Next and our new brand identity
kc23 replied to Jesse Jost's topic in News & Announcements
"if your subscription stops, keep using the program... you just don't get any updates" it´s not "rent to buy". That is a subscription, plain and simple. So, they want me to pay for a program, and when bugs are found, they expect me to pay them again for me to get those fixes? Pay them to get the fixed version of the thing I already payed and that was faulty to begin with? pffff... I would say that definitely qualifies as holding your work hostage. And I also would say, that in daw-world, the best business model in my opinion goes to Reaper: "Pay your license, whichever of the two tiers corresponds to you, and we´ll give you every update we roll out until the next mayor iteration comes to an end." And those updates come with fixes and new features. And, the program is the same for everyone. Either that, or lifetime updates. But... yeah. -
Introducing Cakewalk Next and our new brand identity
kc23 replied to Jesse Jost's topic in News & Announcements
They keep throwing these veiled confirmations that, indeed, what is coming is a subscription model. For which a lot of people here keep saying is not what is desired. Comparing a daw with a car? To justify a subscription with the same arguments as corporations wave when dismissing your right to really own what you pay for? Just because people have lost perspective on the entitlement of a business over the reality of what you allow them to do, does not mean it´s correct, moral or ethic behavior. Remember, Bandlab is not a little independent company, run by three or four guys in a garage. Quite the opposite. So no, to whoever said "100% of people here agree", it´s just not true. And also no, "rent to own" or "perpetual license" is not "buy a 12 month upgrade plan", which actually is a subscription in disguise. So far, the only "new" thing offered seems to be this vector based gui. But for the rest, it´s even been said it´s going to be the same, all the way to the base code, which has been used countless times as excuse for not implementing very long requested features that are granted in other daws. Even things that were introduced by cw, and then left for dead. Remember multitouch support? Not a single change nor development since it was introduced in the win8 days. Not one. As someone asked, what then is the new value proposed for the asking price, whatever it will be? So far, not much in my opinion. And you want people to pay periodically? Also, I see the general attitude here is the same that made the old cakewalk forum famous for: "If you question this daw in any way, shape or form, you will be berated, shamed, belittled and thrown out of here... how dare you?!?" I have run in to this a couple of times, and there´s not much to argue against that narrow mindset. It seems times ahead are certainly not rainbows and sunny days. BTW, to those that payed for lifetime updates (even older cw versions, from sonar x2) and still keep proof of purchase, it can be used for crossgrade discounts for Cubase and for StudioOne. So, even other software companies are still willing to, in a way, honor that. Just so you know, to keep things in perspective. -
Introducing Cakewalk Next and our new brand identity
kc23 replied to Jesse Jost's topic in News & Announcements
Well... I was among the ones that payed for the lifetime upgrades, not just to support the software but also to not be tied up in the awfulness of a subscription model. The arguments trying to justify not honoring this are not valid in my opinion. Yes, gibson was another company, but the developer team was the same (a.k.a. "the bakers"), and they did benefit from the "fruits of my labor" when I bought it. In my view (being using cakewalk for more than 25 years), to honor that in some way would be, in the least, a sign of acknowledgement to that user base, which most likely has been the most faithful and supportive through all this. Also, I´m sure this news mean that, at least in CbB, we won´t see some things have been requested since more than 15 years ago, like fixing the external insert plugin and negative delay in milliseconds for midi tracks. Which makes me even more doubtful as to if I´ll keep supporting and using cakewalk (so far, I´m no longer mixing in it, and already starting migration of midi composing to maybe Cubase). Let it sink: fifteen years of users requesting these fixes (yes, fixes because functionality was not complete and broke correct usage of other assets), and at the most the answer received was "it´s not high in our priority list". So, to me that says a lot. Just to get perspective, when the negative delay was requested for Reaper in a forum, it took them a couple of months to implement it and roll it out in an update. And for the people thinking about migrating, there is a "plugin" for Reaper (developed independently) that allows opening .wrk files. It translates almost everything in a session, even replacing some of the prochannel modules with Reapers´s stock processors. Google it, it´s not hard to find. For me, this most likely will accelerate my migration process and end for good my run with cakewalk. Which, to be honest, is kind of sad thinking of what this software could have been. -
Hello In the release info for 2022.11, in the Bug Fixes section, it says: -Regression: Mono hardware outputs always output as stereo Does this mean that, at last, the External Insert plugin has been fixed and it will recognize a mono output without hijacking the whole stereo pair? Hopefully, it does.
Almost two years have past since this request, and so many people adhering to it. Plenty of updates to other features, but nothing about the necessary support for true mono send and return for the external insert plugin. It was mentioned that because of CW´s support of multiple driver modes its "harder to do". But it certainly can´t be impossible... so many other daws have support for multiple driver modes, and yet they have had true mono external send and returns for so long. It was also said that it was "lower on the priority list" a year ago. It would seem that some items in that list are simply not moving upwards in the cue, as so many other things keep being updated, but not a fix for this in sight. Again... please address this. After almost fifteen years of the external plugin being introduced, it´s due time for an update that fixes it and brings it to a contemporary standard for serious mixing duties. Hopefully it will soon.
Indeed, truly disappointing. More so when something that should be considered an essential feature doesn´t get acknowledge by the developers. Please, give as an answer as to what to expect. Will it be implemented? Is there a timeline? Or is it simply not seriously considered, even after so much time and almost every other daw having it implemented? This feature is essential for anyone trying to do any midi programming. Is not only a thing with orchestral libraries (in which it is indispensable), but with all virtual instruments. A midi-tick based approach is just not workable. Hope this gets an answer.
This feature is absolutely necessary. It´s no use having it on a midi tick basis, as the absolute time would depend on the tempo of the piece. Libraries that need this require a consistent time offset, set in milliseconds, regardless and independent of the tempo. No, nudging does not help, as stated by other posters here. Every articulation within an instrument usually requires a different offset time. Indeed, that´s why so many other daws have it, like Cubase, Studio One and Reaper. It took Reaper one minor update to implement this. How hard can it be for Cakewalk to implement it? It makes CW almost useless for setting and orchestral template. Sadly, these are the things that keep me from fully returning to it. Guess we´ll have to see how long it takes to be implemented, if at all.
Feature request : External insert ouput
kc23 replied to Jean-Philippe ROGER's topic in Feedback Loop
This is a request that has been made for several years now. Sadly, it was never acknowledge, until almost recently, when the answer was that it was "lower on the priority list" because "Cakewalk supports other driver modes that have stereo channels so it makes it harder to do". A program like Reaper (which I have had to start using more and more because of this problem) supports WDM, WASAPI and ASIO driver modes too, and can handle true mono inputs AND outputs. So, its not like it can´t be done. Updates keep coming and coming, and this issue keeps getting left out. So, after so many years of requests, I wonder how long is the priority list for this to be so low? Will we ever see it solved? Hopefully more people will join in this request... besides all those who already have over such a long timespan, including the ones that have fled to other daws in search of this feature alone, which is indispensable in a professionally oriented mixing platform. Anyway, here is the thread from which I´m quoting Noel Borthwick: -
Indeed, driver bit depth is NOT the same as audio file bit depth. To OP: You need to go to Preferences/File/AudioData and toggle the File bit depths as needed. If your audio files are 24bits and the Import bit depth is set to 16, cakewalk is converting them to 16. If Import bit depth is set to Original, they will still be 24 even if the Recording bit depth is 16 (which makes the transport show "16").
It is necessary to understand correctly signal routing as a universal concept, and then understand how the tool at hand (in this case cakewalk) functions, to make these kind of things work as one wants. -A send is a send. It SENDs audio to where ever you want it to be received. It can be a bus, or a track (used as an aux track in cakewalk). In analog, a send does not need a dedicated "return", you can return it to a bus (if it has an input port) or a track, as you can do in cakewalk. -In a patchbay, a mult is the result of an input being duplicated in a given number of outputs. You would have to patch the output of a track to the mult input, and then the outputs of the mult to the inputs of the tracks you want it to be duplicated at. In cakewalk, if you want a track´s signal to be received by multiple other tracks (thus creating a "mult") then: set the output of the track to a patch point (the "mult input"), then in as many tracks as you want, set their inputs to said patch point (the "mult outputs"). If you want to receive that signal also on a bus, send it through a... send, having decided for it to be pre or post fader. Understanding the signal flow and the software´s functions, this should take a couple of minutes to figure out, and another couple to experiment if it will work. Hope it helps.
Sadly, I can see this as being an inevitable path for everyone that would like to use CbB as a serious hybrid mixing tool. We will all end up migrating elsewhere. So far, for me reaper seems a viable alternative, it can even open most CbB projects directly. Would rather keep supporting and working in CbB, though. But it just won´t be possible. And also sad, is that the problem is still not being addressed by anyone on the developing staff. Again, this has been going on for more than thirteen years. Multiple request have been made in this time span. Not a single serious response from anyone. Not a timeline, nothing. Lots of other features that cater for composition and midi work. Lots of other requests get responses and feedback from developers. Barely nothing for audio work. And lets not get started on multitouch support, GUI resizing support, routing menu organization, and some other stuff. Remember, when Cakewalk made the jump from only midi, it called itself Cakewalk PROAUDIO. I wonder were the PRO part went, as it seems to have been left behind for the serious audio work.
No one uses multitouch simply because no daw has a solid implementation of it, not the other way around. Multitouch screens are way cheaper now than they used to be, and more people are getting them. I use a 43" tv with a pqlabs ir frame, and it is great. Even with poor implementations, mixing is way more speedy and intuitive than using a mouse. So, don´t knock it till you try it. Cakewalk was one of the first to introduce touchscreen capabilities, but (just like with other features) it has never been updated since its introduction many years ago, so it indeed would be nice to see improvements on this front. Just off the top of my head, some improvements could be: -Swipe solo, mute and record (and whatever else could benefit from this), which work with the mouse but not upon using a touchscreen. -More precision with controlling faders and knobs, sometimes moves are a bit jumpy, or when raising fingers, controls jump to other value than the one just set. This makes it unusable for drawing automation. -Touch capability for tools in track view, and not just for zoom. -Per track vertical zoom in track view. -One touch open for plugin windows (as with mouse). -More buttons in Custom panel and/or more Custom panels. -When assigning Console view to Custom panel buttons, make them full screen (as if having pressed "shift-D"). There´s no use for having a button assigned and then having to use the keyboard to expand the dock. -Scalability of faders in Console view. Not asking for vectorial drawings (like studio one or reaper) but at least give us two or three fixed sizes to choose from, as right now faders are too small for good resolution (besides having to deal with jumpy controls as stated before) -Customizable behavior of knobs: up-down or left-right or circular motions to choose from. -Quick group (Cntrl modifier) for touch control (only works with mouse). These are the ones I can think up just now, will be taking notes during my workflow as to what else could have better implementation. Or maybe I´ll start another thread with other enhancements too... even though just a solid implmentation of multitouch and true mono hardware inserts would make CbB a really advanced daw for mixing already, there are a couple other enhancements that would take it to another level.
Well... Another major upgrade for the software, but not even a mention about this problem. Because, it IS a problem. A DAW that is hindering the functionality of an audio interface, is most definitely a major problem. As I wrote in the OP, this issue has been mentioned, requested, and implored to be solved for thirteen years... 13!! And as far as I have seen, not once has it been acknowledge in a serious manner by the developers. For all the amazing other features CbB might have, this one thing just prevents it to be taken seriously as a professional mixing tool, and literally throws it at the bottom of the pile for this purpose. What a disappointment.
Sorry, I was away and posted from memory. The correct tip is: Put cursor on fader or knob: "+" or "-" in numeric pad change value by 0.2 or 0.3 (basically, 0.25) Put cursor on numeric value, press enter: While value is highlighted, "+" or "-" in numeric pad changes value by 1.0. I´ll edit the previous post with this correction. Cakewalk[1].mp4
Put cursor on fader or knob: "+" or "-" in numeric pad change value by 0.2 or 0.3 (basically, 0.25) Put cursor on numeric value, press enter: While value is highlighted, "+" or "-" in numeric pad changes value by 1.0.
Feature Request - Shortcut to change the Now Time
kc23 replied to Todd Groemling's topic in Feedback Loop
Set Snap properties to Landmarks-Events. Before clicking, turn off time-snap in snap-module in control bar. Click near start of clip, cursor will snap to start.- 4 replies
- feature request
- now time marker
(and 2 more)
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Feature Request - Make Now Time the Default Record Start time
kc23 replied to Todd Groemling's topic in Feedback Loop
Hit record, recording will start where cursor (now-time) is. Or, make a time selection, go to punch-in module in control bar, press "set punch points to selection" button. This behavior has been implemented a long time ago.- 2 replies
- feature request
- default
(and 3 more)
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Use PluginManager. Make new layout. You can set as many folders and subfolders as you want. Drag plugins where you want them. Save layout. Upon loading new fx, go to plugin layouts, load saved layout. This feature has been implemented for many years.
Feature Request - Have a user-defined default kit in Session Drummer
kc23 replied to Todd Groemling's topic in Feedback Loop
Make presets. Load a kit, click on presets, write name, save. Load new SessionDrummer, click on presets, click name of preset, kit will load. Presets have been implemented for many years.- 2 replies
- 1
- session drummer
- default kit
(and 3 more)
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bug report Fix Grouped clips not consistently pasting properly
kc23 replied to Todd Groemling's topic in Feedback Loop
If you select group, and then copy: -Put cursor on time you want to paste, normal paste (cntrl-v) will paste accurately where the cursor is. -Put cursor on time you want to paste, paste-special (cntrl-alt-v) will paste accurately in time you set in "starting at time" slot. Just tried it, it is expected behavior. -
For Grouped clips, show starting point on click
kc23 replied to Todd Groemling's topic in Feedback Loop
Inspector is showing "multi" because in a group there are multiple clips grouped. Individual clips in a group can also be selected. Click on the "body" of the clip, then check inspector. Also, select group, check selection module on control bar, it will show start of selection=start of first clip.- 2 replies
- feature request
- grouped clips
(and 2 more)
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