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Douglas Kirby

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Everything posted by Douglas Kirby

  1. I agree with your crits Nigel - I just made some adjustments to the mix - I also removed the auto-wah on the lead parts - I think it was a bit harsh. Thanks for your ears.
  2. Hi Everybody, This is a brand new song I just recorded and mixed - on this one the rhythm guitar is my Strat using Amplitude and the lead work is a Gibson SG using TH-U. As always, any comments and critiques are welcome, and thanks for listening. Here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14386919
  3. Thanks for listening Bjorn. Yes, I spend a lot of time at Toby Studios?
  4. Thanks for your ears - I appreciate it.
  5. Very interesting work on this - your use of synths on this made me think a bit of the album "McCartney II". The mix sounds good.
  6. Very cool Wookiee - that sounded great through my headphones - I guess I crossed the Event Horizon - no turning back.
  7. Thanks for the comments Tom. The bass is an Ibanez SR500 through an ART MPA Gold preamp for a bit of tube flavor. Also, I used the ProChannel 76 compressor on it.
  8. Cool track Nigel, and the mix sounds great. One thing that stood out to me was the fx treatment on the lead vocal - I liked the sound of it - nicely done.
  9. A bit different from what I usually hear from you - I think it works for you on this one. Interesting rhythm track. "Stop The World" is a good hook. Top-notch lead guitar playing - nicely done.
  10. Douglas Kirby


    I enjoy your music - cool song and mix - keep them coming.
  11. Cool song Jack - gave me a 70s classic rock vibe.
  12. Thanks for the kind comments Lynn.
  13. Hi Everybody, This is a new track for the album I'm currently working on called "The Westerly Sessions Vol. X". I've been enjoying Amplitude 5 lately, which is used heavily on this one. As always, any comments and critiques are welcome, and thanks for listening. Here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14382195
  14. This is my favorite out of all the songs I've heard from you - really cool song. I loved your vocal on this one - great job. The lead guitar rocked as well - nice playing.
  15. A quite relaxing jazz number - you did a really nice job on the vocal. The mix sounded good to me - especially the electric and the nylon guitars - I could hear them both clearly - well done. By the way the title of your song is appropriate for me - I just went through a blizzard yesterday - 22 inches of snow? Didn't lose power thankfully.
  16. Thanks for listening Markku.
  17. Thanks for the kind comments Bjorn.
  18. Man that vocal sounds great - nice job. Just curious, what was the mic and mic pre you used on this one?
  19. I get a bit of a retro vibe on this one - but the mix sounds modern. Nice job on the lyrics - I thought the chorus was a good hook, and I really liked the bridge.
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