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Douglas Kirby

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Everything posted by Douglas Kirby

  1. That's a quality Christmas song - nice job guys. I liked her vocal - she sang it well.
  2. It kept me listening to the end - for some reason it made me think of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table - I don't know why? Keep then coming Wookiee!
  3. A well constructed song - and I thought the mix sounded very nice to my ears. So what do you think of Brexit? If I were the Brits I wouldn't leave Europe, but that's just the opinion of a Yank? Happy Holidays guys, Doug
  4. To my ears it had a bit of a reggae vibe to it - I really enjoyed it. I always like your lead vocal - you do a good job there. Nice job Freddy - cheers.
  5. Hi Everybody, This is a track off of my new album "A Gray Colored Sky". I mixed it in Cakewalk by BandLab and mastered it with Ozone 9. The lead guitar tracks are the first time I've used my new Telecaster (I bought it used). Thanks for listening and all comments and critiques are welcome. Here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=13950179
  6. DeeringAmps - Thanks for your comments. I put a high pass filter on the rhythm guitars at 250hz each on the right and left. I mixed this at least a year ago, and I had selected a bass preset on the Prochannel - it was boosting the bass guitar at 60hz - by a lot a matter of fact. That's why you couldn't hear the kick, and it was dominating the mix, creating a lot of "mud", so to speak - I should have noticed this earlier. Now you can hear the kick and the bass distinctly in the mix. Thanks for your ears.? amiller - Thanks for listening - I like the solo as well. emeraldsoul - I appreciate your comments very much - I think I cleared up the bass, kick drum, and rhythm guitars, as mentioned above - I always appreciate your ears. bjornpdx - Thanks for listening to my tune. I'm not the greatest singer - I thought about going up an octave on the verses, but it would have been too much of a struggle for me. If you were my producer, you would have made me sing it again? Regardless, I appreciate your ears - I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.
  7. Hi Everybody, This is a track off my double album "Incessant Absurdity". I was never happy with the mix - I just remixed it again in Cakewalk - and I mastered it with Ozone 9. Tell me what you think of it. Thanks for listening and here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=13770316
  8. Lynn - Thank you very much for your comments - yeah, I was thinking it could be in a casino lounge in Vegas? emeraldsoul - I trust your ears - their good ones - the Snark has a range regarding tuning - should I should be a bit more observant there- anyway - thanks for your comments. Bajan Blue - Thank you very much for listening. amiller - Thanks for your comments - it does sound a bit like a smoky nightclub? daryl1968 - Thanks for giving my song a listen.
  9. Nice Bats - you definitely know how to put together rockers - I enjoyed the listen. The mix sounded quite nice to my ears - I was rocking along with you?
  10. Really cool intro - and I liked the lead vocal very much. I thought the mix could use a bit more punch to it - if that makes sense. Loved the guitar solo - very nice there. I also enjoyed the bass - it sounded great in the groove. Thanks for posting - cool tune.
  11. Wookiee - Thanks for giving my song a listen - I appreciate it. emeraldsoul - Thank you very much for your kind comments. Regarding the tuning, it sounds ok to me - I think you have a better ear for tuning than I do. I used a Snark for the electric guitars and bass guitar - so I thought they were ok. Anyway, thanks for listening to my music.
  12. DeeringAmps - Thank you very much for listening and your comments. JohnBee58 - I'm glad you liked it - I appreciate you lending your ears to this one - every now and then I do a jazzy tune like this one. bjornpdx - Thank you very much for listening, and I'm glad you liked it.
  13. That was a funny video - thanks for posting. It is amazing with technology what you can do with music now.
  14. I enjoyed this - the guitar playing was excellent - a really cool blues tune. I liked your vocal - it's perfect for the blues. Thanks for posting - nice job overall.
  15. This is very nice David - it made me think of Paco Pena - who I saw a year ago. Very pleasant. Thanks for posting.
  16. Cool song - the arrangement works well. I thought the BGVs stood out as a good part of this song. I liked your lead vocal - Chris Isaac came to mind for me - not the same, but it made me think of him. The mix overall sounded good to me - thanks for posting.
  17. This was an interesting composition - I loved it when the clav came in. You really did a good job in creating variety in this - I never knew what was coming next - very original. The mix sounded great - I wouldn't change a thing. I don't know if it needed a guitar solo - I think it's fine as is.
  18. Douglas Kirby


    Hi Everybody, This is the sixth track on my new album, "A Gray Colored Sky". Mixed in Cakewalk by BandLab, and mastered with Ozone 9. Any comments and critiques are welcome, and thanks for listening. Here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=13945010
  19. Thank you very much for listening and for your comments. I'll check out the rhythm guitars in the mix - cheers.
  20. Hey Bob - I appreciate your comments - thanks for listening.
  21. Thanks David - I appreciate you listening.
  22. DeeringAmps - I'm glad you liked the song - thanks for listening. JohnBee58 - I"m glad you liked it - thanks for listening. I worked hard on the mix - I hope it's decent. Old Joad - Thanks for listening. I noticed you mentioned the mix was dirty - I used the Voxengo Voxformer on this one for the lead vocal - you can dial in some nice dirt for the lead vocal with it - it's a cool vocal plug. jerrydf - I'm glad you liked the song - thanks for listening. Starise - Yeah, the Abbey Road TG Mastering plug is impressive - I've been using Ozone Standard 9 for songs on this album, but I decided to give the Abbey Road a try on this one - I thought it worked out well. I used it on some of the tracks too. Thanks for the compliment on the mix sounding vintage - that's cool with me. daryl1968 - I try to sing decent BGVs - I figure it adds to the song's character.
  23. Douglas Kirby


    Your vocal made me think of Peter Gabriel - I liked it. A subdued mellow ballad - very nice - I enjoyed the listen. My favorite instrument was the keys - I liked the tone. Regarding the mix - I wouldn't change a thing - it works well. Only crit - the ending is too abrupt - it just cuts off - do a better fade there.
  24. Nicely done - a good job on covering a song I've always liked. The mix overall is good. Thanks for posting.
  25. Excellent job - man does this track rock - hardcore. Exceptional guitar playing as always, and I loved the drum track on this.
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